Forums Search for: PCM3003
Using PCM3003 daughtercard and c6711DSK
inGreetings all, I've been trying to use the PCM3003 daughtercard (a.k.a. TMDX326040A) with the 6711DSK, but have bumped into a...
Greetings all, I've been trying to use the PCM3003 daughtercard (a.k.a. TMDX326040A) with the 6711DSK, but have bumped into a problem here. Maybe you folks could provide me with an insight. I'm trying to receive/transmit data from/to the PCM3003 daughter card via
Re: PCM3003 doubt
Iago F B- I don't have any experience with the PCM3003 daughtercard. If you cannot see DSP/BIOS config options that...
Iago F B- I don't have any experience with the PCM3003 daughtercard. If you cannot see DSP/BIOS config options that specifically mention PCM3003, then it's likely the "basic loopback" code in Chassaing will not work because the McBSP serial port wi
PCM3003 - no stereo output
inHello group, I am using the C6711 DSK with the PCM3003 daughter card. Ever since I changed operating systems (win98--->winXP),...
Hello group, I am using the C6711 DSK with the PCM3003 daughter card. Ever since I changed operating systems (win98--->winXP), my PCM3003 doesn't seem to want to output both a right and left channel in interrupt-driven mode. I have gotten it to work sporadically in polling
Cross-talk in PCM3003
I am working with a DSK6711 and a PCM3003 to develop an acoustic echo canceler. I have develop a loopback program and it seems to...
I am working with a DSK6711 and a PCM3003 to develop an acoustic echo canceler. I have develop a loopback program and it seems to work fine, but if I amplify the output of my PCM3003 a good cross-talk appears. Has anyone the some problem and/or knows how to solve it?
sampling frequency in PCM3003
Hi all, Has someone ever used a sampling frequency in PCM3003 different from 24kHz or 48kHz? I mean, how can I provide...
Hi all, Has someone ever used a sampling frequency in PCM3003 different from 24kHz or 48kHz? I mean, how can I provide the PCM3003 with a clock from the DSK? I have tried to configure the mcbsp1 registers but I have not found the right configuration. &nbs
Inizializate PCM3003
hi all, My name is Miguel I need to contact somebody because I am trying to put in practice an Active Noise Control with a 6711 dsk and...
hi all, My name is Miguel I need to contact somebody because I am trying to put in practice an Active Noise Control with a 6711 dsk and PCM3003 Audio Dauhther Card of Texas Instruments. I found a Mr. Kanglin Wang?s C Code in his website of RLS algorithm, and I tried to use this in my DSP, but unfortunately I was not able to do it. I was wondering somebody would be to give me the code to...
c6x_daq.dll ??
inhi all is any one using the c6x_daq.dll and the pcm3003.out file to directly interface the TMS320C6711 DSK and matlab.?? i...
hi all is any one using the c6x_daq.dll and the pcm3003.out file to directly interface the TMS320C6711 DSK and matlab.?? i need some help with sending the speech signal to the pcm3003 codec?? if any one is programing this way can u help me please???/
Default sampling rate PCM3003
Hi... I was just wandering if the default sample rate of the PCM3003 is 44khz, or do you have to setup an interrupt to ensure that it really is...
Hi... I was just wandering if the default sample rate of the PCM3003 is 44khz, or do you have to setup an interrupt to ensure that it really is a fixed 44khz? thanks!
Pb with PCM3003
inHello, I use the C6711DSK and the PCM3003 audiocard. I want to do a FIR filter with a sampling frequency=48 Khz. I use an...
Hello, I use the C6711DSK and the PCM3003 audiocard. I want to do a FIR filter with a sampling frequency=48 Khz. I use an hardware interrupt each time the serial port Mcbsp1 receives a data. Between 2 samples, I do my process (read data from the codec, FIR & wr
PCM3003 audio card
Hi, I'm desesperate! I need a sample of how to configure a DSP/BIOS file to be able to use an audio daugther card PCM3003. I...
Hi, I'm desesperate! I need a sample of how to configure a DSP/BIOS file to be able to use an audio daugther card PCM3003. I need to read two datas from the input codec and i've a simple data for the output codec. I'd be very grateful if anybody could help me.
Does AnyOne Know This Error? I am Using C6711 With PCM3003..
inHi, Does AnyOne Know How to Sovle This Error? I am Using C6711 With PCM3003. Is't the problem due to the setting of cmd...
Hi, Does AnyOne Know How to Sovle This Error? I am Using C6711 With PCM3003. Is't the problem due to the setting of cmd file or option? ....... >> error: relocation overflow occured at address 0x000003a8 in section '.text' >> error: relocat
Audio I/O with PCM3003 and DSP/BIOS
Hi, I'm using a TMS320C6711 DSP with a PCM3003 Audio Daughter card. Can anybody explain me how to configure the DSP/BIOS (for...
Hi, I'm using a TMS320C6711 DSP with a PCM3003 Audio Daughter card. Can anybody explain me how to configure the DSP/BIOS (for RTDX usage) on a program that uses hardware interrupts (like 'loop_intr_pcm' by R. Chassaing)? This is what I am doing (please correct):
Problems and Questions with PCM3003
inHi, I am currently working with the C6711 DSK and the PCM3003 Daughter Card. I am using Chassaing's Code "loop_intr_pcm"...
Hi, I am currently working with the C6711 DSK and the PCM3003 Daughter Card. I am using Chassaing's Code "loop_intr_pcm" located on his book "DSP Applications using C and the TMS3206x DSK" as reference. My questions are: 1) I have tried t
PCM3003 sample rate
Hello, I use the PCM3003 audio daughter card with the C6711 DSK board. I want to use a different sample frequency than 24KHz or...
Hello, I use the PCM3003 audio daughter card with the C6711 DSK board. I want to use a different sample frequency than 24KHz or 48KHz provide by the audio card. I use the programm "electronic crossover" from Richard Sikora. With this programm you can cho
Error Message from CCS V2.0 C6711 with PCM3003
Hi, Does Anyone know what happen to this error code? I am using C6711 with PCM3003 and the error message from CCS V2.0. >>...
Hi, Does Anyone know what happen to this error code? I am using C6711 with PCM3003 and the error message from CCS V2.0. >> error: relocation value truncated at 0x5d8 in section .text, file C:\xxx.obj >> error: relocation value truncated at 0x618 in section .t
Loopback with C6711 DSK and PCM3003 (McBSP1 + EDMA)
Hi, group. I have seen that many of you have worked with C6711 DSK and PCM3003. I am also working with them,...
Hi, group. I have seen that many of you have worked with C6711 DSK and PCM3003. I am also working with them, trying to develop a loopback program which uses McBSP and EDMA on both right and left channels
Help please
Dear all, I'm desperately trying to configure an EDMA transfer between my DSK (TMS320C6711) and the audio codec PCM3003. As...
Dear all, I'm desperately trying to configure an EDMA transfer between my DSK (TMS320C6711) and the audio codec PCM3003. As you must have guessed I'm a novice into the field and have no other option but to ask fro your help. I'm trying to implement the example given in
inhi is any one using the c6711dsk with the pcm3003 daughter card?? im trying to program it using the new matlab -simulink block...
hi is any one using the c6711dsk with the pcm3003 daughter card?? im trying to program it using the new matlab -simulink block set. and how do i access the two data?? if there is any other software that i can use, which will be much easier than matlab pls let me know??
[Fwd: Re: Using PCM3003 to perform Sound localization]
Ng- Yes, I think the maximum cross-correlation value is what you want. That should get you delay between mics. You can also...
Ng- Yes, I think the maximum cross-correlation value is what you want. That should get you delay between mics. You can also estimate relative amplitude to confirm which quadrant. -Jeff PS. Cool diagram. -------- Original Mess
Re: Calculating the variable sampling frenquecy.....
inNg- This is a good news group question. Are you saying that the PCM3003 daughtercard is not providing 16 kHz, but actually...
Ng- This is a good news group question. Are you saying that the PCM3003 daughtercard is not providing 16 kHz, but actually something else? Clearly if your sampling frequency is off then measured delay will not match your MATLAB results. O ya. Di