
unwanted breakpoint

Started by ivan...@hotmail.com in Analog Devices DSPs17 years ago 4 replies

Hello, I am trying to run a project created for SHARC processor. I have a C function that is called from an assembly routine. When I run the...

Hello, I am trying to run a project created for SHARC processor. I have a C function that is called from an assembly routine. When I run the project the emulator stops at the first line of the C function and outputs this funny message: "target halted due to software breakpoint but no breakpoint found at address..." I know that the problem is related to interrupts. When I click on F11 (ste...

map file

Started by hemant ramdasi in Analog Devices DSPs21 years ago 2 replies

Hi all, I am using vdsp2.0 and SHARC-21060 processor for my codec project. I have been using .map file generated to determine...

Hi all, I am using vdsp2.0 and SHARC-21060 processor for my codec project. I have been using .map file generated to determine the memory requirements for the code. Is that approach correct. It gives something called "memory word used" and "memory wor

Data to Ez-Kit Lite

Started by alokmodak in Analog Devices DSPs22 years ago

Hi, I am using the SHARC 2106x EZ-Kit Lite Board. I am currently processing some data and putting it out on the codec to be played...

Hi, I am using the SHARC 2106x EZ-Kit Lite Board. I am currently processing some data and putting it out on the codec to be played back. Currently, I am storing the parameters to be processed as a fixed array/or using the stdio functions. But I would like to send them via the PC to the board

Learning ADSP Programming

Started by Appalayagari Sreedhar in Analog Devices DSPs21 years ago 2 replies

Respected All. I am a New member of this group. I started reading the sharc 21266 ADSP Processor. I want to learn how to...

Respected All. I am a New member of this group. I started reading the sharc 21266 ADSP Processor. I want to learn how to do programming in assembly. will i get any references in any website regarding the small small programs which will familarize me with the assembly instructions, a

Tiger Sharc LDR/DXE related question - Accessing the init value of a global variable

Started by sun3...@gmail.com in Analog Devices DSPs17 years ago

Hello All, Is there a way to tell what the initial value of a global variable has been set to from the ldr or dxe file? I am trying use a global...

Hello All, Is there a way to tell what the initial value of a global variable has been set to from the ldr or dxe file? I am trying use a global variable for version control and would like to see how access the global variable without having to load the code into H/W or simulator. Thanks. Regards. BSA

Re: Free Assembler for SHARC?

Started by Steve Conner in Analog Devices DSPs19 years ago 1 reply

Analog Devices DSPsHi, I'm in the same position: I work for a small company with an open-source mentality that balks at paying thousands of...

Analog Devices DSPsHi, I'm in the same position: I work for a small company with an open-source mentality that balks at paying thousands of bucks for the VisualDSP toolset. So when we wanted to make a product with a DSP, I chose the ADSP-2181, used the old command-line assembler that came with the EZ-KIT, and made my own debugger that connected through the DSP's IDMA port. The 2181 is a pret...

Simulating Serial Ports in VDSP++2.0 for SHARC

Started by Jaime Andres Aranguren Cardona in Analog Devices DSPs22 years ago 3 replies

Hi, Would someone explainme why and how to correct the following: Using the ADSP-2116x simulator for ADSP-21160, if I set the SPEN...

Hi, Would someone explainme why and how to correct the following: Using the ADSP-2116x simulator for ADSP-21160, if I set the SPEN bit on SRCTL1 the simulator shows a dialog where stands "Port doesn't exist or isn't opened". I set for example like this: R0 = 0x00000000; dm(SRCTL1) = R

Free SHARC tools

Started by Steve Conner in Analog Devices DSPs18 years ago

Hi, I've been looking for free tools for the SHARCs but never found any so far. Either Windows or Linux will do, I'm not bothered either way....

Hi, I've been looking for free tools for the SHARCs but never found any so far. Either Windows or Linux will do, I'm not bothered either way. I would be interested to get my hands on the tools that Andor mentioned, but I did a few web searches and turned up nothing apart from a couple of dead links. :-( Steve Conner OptoSci Ltd. http://www.optosci.com/ for business http://www.scop...

Sharc data rate

Started by Rakesh GnanaDavid in Analog Devices DSPs21 years ago 1 reply

Hi   I'm using the ADSP 21160 EZKIT LITE for a project. In it I want  to use the sport0 for getting a 50 bps data. While...

Hi   I'm using the ADSP 21160 EZKIT LITE for a project. In it I want  to use the sport0 for getting a 50 bps data. While setting the RDIV0 for sport0 the maximum divisor that can be used is FFFF( only 16 bits). This gives the minimum data rate to be roughly 600 Hz. ( taking into accou

FFT problem

Started by ivan...@hotmail.com in Analog Devices DSPs16 years ago

Hi, I am trying to call an FFT library function from assembly code. I am working with ADSP 21396 processor (SHARC). I picked _cfftn_nonSIMD....

Hi, I am trying to call an FFT library function from assembly code. I am working with ADSP 21396 processor (SHARC). I picked _cfftn_nonSIMD. I've tried using the SIMD version but it doesn't work. Anyway, I don't have to use it since the FFT calculation is not under tight timing constraints. The problem with the nonSIMD version is that it doesn't give correct results for 4096 points. _cfft128...

JTAG for SHARC/Blackfin from EZ-KIT Lite ?

Started by audi0m0nster in Analog Devices DSPs16 years ago 1 reply

Hi, Has anyone ever managed to use the onbard USB-based debugger interface of the EZ-KIT Lite to debug an other board ? I am wondering what...

Hi, Has anyone ever managed to use the onbard USB-based debugger interface of the EZ-KIT Lite to debug an other board ? I am wondering what it takes to make this work. Maybe just directly using the TDI TDO TCK TMS TRST lines of the EZ-KIT Lite ? There might be a kind of protection though ? or maybe not ... ? ADI provides the schematics for the EZ-KIT Lites, but of course, the USB part...

AW: sign extension in C

Started by Burgwedel, Friedrich in Analog Devices DSPs22 years ago 5 replies

I don't know how your fifo is connected -- but if it is connected in parallel, you just need to connect the fifo output lines...

I don't know how your fifo is connected -- but if it is connected in parallel, you just need to connect the fifo output lines (FIFO[11..0]) to the highest portion of the data bus -- that is D[31..20] if you use a Sharc -- and tie the lower end of the data bus to GND via a read-strobed bus

mpeg layer II audio in 218x or 2106x?

Started by John in Analog Devices DSPs25 years ago

I need to decode multiple MPEG layer IIc audio streams in one or more DSPs. I'm considering either the fixed point 2189 or the sharc...

I need to decode multiple MPEG layer IIc audio streams in one or more DSPs. I'm considering either the fixed point 2189 or the sharc 21065, both of which are listed as having support for MPEG audio decoding buried in the analog devices web pages. does anyone have any recommendations

SIMD mode in FOR loop

Started by abhi...@wipro.com in Analog Devices DSPs19 years ago 5 replies

hello all, I am currently working on ADSP 21365 SHARC processor. I want to know "How processor will behave in case of Enabling and disabling...

hello all, I am currently working on ADSP 21365 SHARC processor. I want to know "How processor will behave in case of Enabling and disabling SIMD mode in for loop"? Will processor work properly or not? please refer to below sample code. ------------------------------------------------------ bit set mode1 PEYEN; nop; LCNTR = 256, do loop_end until LCE; // some code here .........

What's a "denormal operand"?

Started by Richard Armstrong in Analog Devices DSPs24 years ago 3 replies

Hello All, In chaper two of the SHARC User's Manual ("Computation Units", "IEEE Floating Point Operations" is the section...

Hello All, In chaper two of the SHARC User's Manual ("Computation Units", "IEEE Floating Point Operations" is the section heading), pg 2-3 says "Denormal operands are flushed to zeros when input to a computation unit and do not heberate an underflow ex

help needed 21160

Started by venkat kootikanti in Analog Devices DSPs21 years ago 2 replies

sir, I am working on 21160 sharc processor. i am writing codec intialisation program in c. i have changed the sampling rate by...

sir, I am working on 21160 sharc processor. i am writing codec intialisation program in c. i have changed the sampling rate by writing 0x2710( for 10 kHzs) into AD1881_SAMPLERATE0_ADDR register. its default sampling rate was 48 kHz i have set VRA bit of Extended Audio Sta

Short Word Memory

Started by Waldron, Donald M N-BAE Systems in Analog Devices DSPs24 years ago

I'm developing an application for a Quad Sharc 14060 (four 21060's), with lots of 16-bit data arrays (both floats and int's). From...

I'm developing an application for a Quad Sharc 14060 (four 21060's), with lots of 16-bit data arrays (both floats and int's). From one 21060 is it possible to access another 21060's internal memory as 'short word' memory? Regards, Donald M. Waldron BAE Systems

ADSP-21060 elfloader IDs

Started by Waldron, Donald M in Analog Devices DSPs23 years ago

I am re-designing the PROM boot code for a Quad-Sharc ADSP-14060 system (which has 4 ADSP-21060s). I need to perform POST and other...

I am re-designing the PROM boot code for a Quad-Sharc ADSP-14060 system (which has 4 ADSP-21060s). I need to perform POST and other functions before loading code; the boot loader is limited to 256 instructions. To do this, I have multiple 'boot loaders' and need to assign a unique

JTAG connection

Started by C R Patil in Analog Devices DSPs25 years ago 1 reply

HI All!!!!! There are 3 SHARC 21062 processors in a single board, all in the master mode. How the JTAG port of these 3...

HI All!!!!! There are 3 SHARC 21062 processors in a single board, all in the master mode. How the JTAG port of these 3 SHARCs are to be brought out? Can these 3 SHARCs (All in master mode) be connected in DAISY chain mode and hence connected to only one JTAG or 3 JTAGs

Waitstates for PM and DM

Started by sant...@isac.gov.in in Analog Devices DSPs17 years ago 3 replies

Dear All, I am using a SHARC processor (ADSP-21020 ) that has external Data Memory and Program Memory. I am using external hardware wait...

Dear All, I am using a SHARC processor (ADSP-21020 ) that has external Data Memory and Program Memory. I am using external hardware wait state control for DM and Internal Software controlled wait state for PM using the DMWAIT and PMWAIT control registers. I am facing an intriguing problem with different wait sates for DM and PM when i use assembly code interface with C. Specifica...