
Re: hello sir help me

Started by Steve Holle in Analog Devices DSPs20 years ago 1 reply

I'm afraid I am not at all familiar with the Blackfin. I would suggest reading the manual section on the SPORT. Don't bother with the TDM...

I'm afraid I am not at all familiar with the Blackfin. I would suggest reading the manual section on the SPORT. Don't bother with the TDM section as that is more complicated than what you want. Also, be sure to post these questions to the list also since there are many others more knowledgeable than me. Are you sure the Seimens modem is not and asynchronous

Receiving a signal from sport1

Started by mirentxu_i in Analog Devices DSPs23 years ago

Hello! I?m trying to have an input signal from the sport 1 in the adsp 21061 ez kit lite. I want to have the signal every...

Hello! I?m trying to have an input signal from the sport 1 in the adsp 21061 ez kit lite. I want to have the signal every 10 ms. How can I do this? How can I know that I?m having the signal just every 10 ms.? Thanks, Miren.

inversion L/R

Started by greg pallone in Analog Devices DSPs24 years ago 1 reply

Hello, Does anybody had this kind of problem: The samples Left and Right suddenly invert while the 21065L DSP ran (sport...

Hello, Does anybody had this kind of problem: The samples Left and Right suddenly invert while the 21065L DSP ran (sport connected to crystal CS8420 components). strange isn't it?


Started by Archana in Analog Devices DSPs20 years ago 1 reply

Hi I am looking for the possibility of using Sharc 21161 to sample a 4bit adc at 9.8MHZ Please tell me if it is possible through...

Hi I am looking for the possibility of using Sharc 21161 to sample a 4bit adc at 9.8MHZ Please tell me if it is possible through link ports or SPORT?? Awiting your response thanks archana

Software UART on BF533

Started by Dushyant Sharmaa in Analog Devices DSPs17 years ago 1 reply

hi all, well i need to implement software UART using SPORT in BF533. do anyone has implemented this already? or any code...

hi all, well i need to implement software UART using SPORT in BF533. do anyone has implemented this already? or any code reference....? thanks in advance dts

dma chaining... 21061

Started by Anonymous in Analog Devices DSPs24 years ago

Hi, We're trying to get dma chaining to work with the sports in a non-interrupt mode. We can't seem to get the dma...

Hi, We're trying to get dma chaining to work with the sports in a non-interrupt mode. We can't seem to get the dma to start, resulting in a receive overflow in the sport. Anyone have any suggestions?

Re: ADSP-21065L to Coldfire

Started by Steve Holle in Analog Devices DSPs21 years ago 2 replies

We considered the 21161, actually have the EZ-Kit but my boss doesn't want to tackle BGA at the moment. We're using the SPORT TDM...

We considered the 21161, actually have the EZ-Kit but my boss doesn't want to tackle BGA at the moment. We're using the SPORT TDM mode to communicate between 21065Ls. Thanks for the input. At 02:08 PM 9/4/2003 +0200, Jens Michaelsen wrote: >Calculate the cost/b

AW: Re: Simulate External devices on vdsp

Started by Burgwedel, Friedrich in Analog Devices DSPs22 years ago 1 reply

Very interesting... this same subtraction of 0x8000 is necessary for the real hardware when setting up chained DMA for SPORT; I...

Very interesting... this same subtraction of 0x8000 is necessary for the real hardware when setting up chained DMA for SPORT; I don't know if it is necessary for all chained DMA. It seems that the developers of the simulator mixed something up... Friedrich -----Ur

SPORT multiplexing

Started by Randy Dawson in Analog Devices DSPs22 years ago

I have several A/D converters with serial interfaces (AD7495) and wonder wat is the best way to expand the number of SPORTs on an...

I have several A/D converters with serial interfaces (AD7495) and wonder wat is the best way to expand the number of SPORTs on an ADSP2186. I hava also found a great glue chip for these dsp's with flash and I/O expansion, from ST Microsystems, it part number DSM2150F5V. Anyone else u

Fwd: RE: SPORT input HANG

Started by Al Clark in Analog Devices DSPs21 years ago

>Delivered-To: >X-eGroups-Return: >\ om >X-eGroups-Return: >X-Sender: >X-Apparently-To: >To: >X-Mailer:...

>Delivered-To: >X-eGroups-Return: >\ om >X-eGroups-Return: >X-Sender: >X-Apparently-To: >To: >X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2656.59) >From: James Dabbs <> >X-Yahoo-Profile: jdabbs003 >

Reg.Blackfin mode problem

Started by rumithal143 in Analog Devices DSPs20 years ago 1 reply

Hi, I am using BF533 in my board. If i am going to boot the board it is going to supervisor mode and sometimes i feel it is going to sleep ...

Hi, I am using BF533 in my board. If i am going to boot the board it is going to supervisor mode and sometimes i feel it is going to sleep mode and the SPORT is not working?. Can anybody help me out why the processor is going to Sleep mode. Thanks in Advance Thalesh.R

DMA on 21065L SPORTS

Started by Anonymous in Analog Devices DSPs23 years ago

Help! In desperation I ask if anyone knows of some special order that the 65L SPORT's have to be initialized to make DMA work. ...

Help! In desperation I ask if anyone knows of some special order that the 65L SPORT's have to be initialized to make DMA work. I am trying to get a DMA driven audio loop running written in C that is something akin to the *.asm example in the SHARC user manual page

DMA setup, was: Simulate External devices on vdsp

Started by Burgwedel, Friedrich in Analog Devices DSPs22 years ago 2 replies

Hi Ajith, first of all, here is a neat little trick -- when setting up TCBs for SPORT DMA, save memory and setup only the 5...

Hi Ajith, first of all, here is a neat little trick -- when setting up TCBs for SPORT DMA, save memory and setup only the 5 words that are used by the internal DMA (EI, EM EC are unused and will not be loaded): //------ Transmit -----------------------------------

SPORT for MC45 module

Started by ajax...@yahoo.co.in in Analog Devices DSPs20 years ago

Up dateing The Task Using the sport0 send an word 'AT' to the modem. The modem has to respond back with an response like 'OK'. ...

Up dateing The Task Using the sport0 send an word 'AT' to the modem. The modem has to respond back with an response like 'OK'. Started on 4/04/2005. complition on 5/04/2005. hello every budy. i wanted to use sport0 for setting the modem of seimens company fpr the GSM use .which uses AT comands.


Started by canbruce_contact in Analog Devices DSPs18 years ago

_____________________________________________________________________ SPORT Transmit Example: Uses the feature in which the...

_____________________________________________________________________ SPORT Transmit Example: Uses the feature in which the ADSP-2106x=20 core will stall when attempting to write to a full TX register. This=20 example sets up a loop to transmit the data in the data buffer "source". _____________________________________________________________________ ___*/ #define N 8 #include "def2106...

De-interleaving samples with SHARC 21369

Started by Laurent in Analog Devices DSPs19 years ago 2 replies

Hello all, Correct me if i'm wrong, but SPORT's DMA is not able to de-interleave samples when we are in TDM mode ( or I2S actually ), since...

Hello all, Correct me if i'm wrong, but SPORT's DMA is not able to de-interleave samples when we are in TDM mode ( or I2S actually ), since it's not 2D capable ? I can't find any trick that would allow me to de-interleave the samples while receiving, without using the core, am i missing anything ? Even worse, it seems that, if i am streaming 4 channels using TDM in a 32*4 samples buffe...

sport communications

Started by Anonymous in Analog Devices DSPs25 years ago

How to transfer data form sharc internal memory to the serial port. How to establish handshaking mode of communication between two...

How to transfer data form sharc internal memory to the serial port. How to establish handshaking mode of communication between two sharc processors using serial port.


Started by Jens Michaelsen in Analog Devices DSPs21 years ago 2 replies

Hello group, have this one remaining nasty behavior. The DSP hangs waiting for IIS data on PORT0. The loop works fine till it...

Hello group, have this one remaining nasty behavior. The DSP hangs waiting for IIS data on PORT0. The loop works fine till it hangs waiting for the next sample. The done counter may reach several or only some thousands. Have 2 ADSP21161 listening to the same

AW: AW: Re: Simulate External devices on vdsp

Started by Burgwedel, Friedrich in Analog Devices DSPs22 years ago 1 reply

> I had done the chained SPORT DMA in our board. it > is working perfectly without any offsetting. Yes, the index register is...

> I had done the chained SPORT DMA in our board. it > is working perfectly without any offsetting. Yes, the index register is used without offset, but the DMA chain pointer register needs the offset. (21065L) Friedrich -----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht----

Help regarding Sport and DMA

Started by shwetha shwetha in Analog Devices DSPs20 years ago

Hi, I am kind of new to this ADSP.... I am working on the ADSP BF533 EZ-kit lite example "Audio talk through" ..... ...

Hi, I am kind of new to this ADSP.... I am working on the ADSP BF533 EZ-kit lite example "Audio talk through" ..... In the C code they have set the SLEN=24,since the codec(AD1836)sends 24 bits.... but then the DMA transfer is32