
Down-sample Spectrogram (Waterfall) by two different factors

Started by msousa 1 year ago1 replylatest reply 1 year ago167 views
HiI want to down-sample a Spectrogram (Waterfall) image, time on 'y' axis and frequency on 'x' axis. What I would like is to do is down-sample the image when it...

two image correlation

Started by kaz 8 years ago6 replieslatest reply 8 years ago201 views
We use 2D cross correlation in fpga platform to find x/y offset of two images. The images are meant to be same but with minor differences due to small movement...

Real Time Panoramic View Generation from rotating camera via DM642 EVM

Started by hassaniqbal 8 years ago2 replieslatest reply 8 years ago138 views
Hello,I am new to Embedded Systems and DSPs. I have to design and implement real time image stitching algorithm to make 360 degree panoramic view on DM642 Evaluation Module...

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