Difference between fft and pspectrum in Matlab

Hello!What is difference between using the fft() or pspectrum() command in Matlab on a time-series signal? My understanding is that the fft command computes the...
I am implementing an SISO Hamming decoder in Matlab for (4,7) and (4,8) Hamming. The soft-input is coming from a soft demodulator, and the soft values are...
Algorithm testing via simulation in Scilab/Xcos

Hello,I have been developing a library of control blocks (PID controller, various filters etc.) in C programming language. My goal is to have basic building stones...
Help on Noise Correlation Matrix

I was trying to create a Noise Cross Correlation Matrix in Matlab by using the following code:N = 100; % Number of Samplesr1 = rand(1,N) + 1i*rand(1,N);r2 = rand(1,N)...
Hi all,Suppose I have an input signal \( x[n] \) of length \( N \), an FIR filter \( h[n] \) of length \( M \), and a window function \( w[n] \) of length \( N...
I am using the WLAN Tool Box of #Matlab V2107b. A term named CSI for each data subcarrier is defined as CSI(i) = H(i) X conj(H(i)) + N(i)H(i) = channel estimate...
How to downconvert a Complex RF signal in Matlab?

Hi All,I was trying to simulate a digital communication model with a complex rayleigh fading channel in Matlab.The Data is BPSK modulated and is multiplied with...
Help on Demodulating an 8-PSK Signal

Hi,I am trying to simulate an 8-PSK communication model in Matlab with real sequence. I have generated the tx signal as shown in the attached figure using 8 different...
Choice between Scilab and Python + numpy

Hi everyone,I have a small bit of DSP to do related to work which has given me the oportunity to refresh prior DSP learning and expand it. I want to do this at home...
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