Sampling at a particular instant in GNU Radio
Started by 6 years ago●4 replies●latest reply 6 years ago●699 viewsHello all, I am new to #SDR having done mostly hardware design
I have an external data stream incoming at 2kbps and being sampled by a GRC program at 48kSps via...
How to Convert IQ Signal to Real
Started by 9 years ago●4 replies●latest reply 8 years ago●7433 viewsI am using #Matlab DSP Toolbox to implement a Software Defined Radio (#SDR). If you are curious, it is for a Softrock RXTX ham radio transceiver that provides I...
Downsampling from 2.0 MHz to 192kHz
Started by 8 years ago●20 replies●latest reply 8 years ago●1064 viewsI would like to downsample a signal (#SDR) from 2MHz to 192kHz. I understand the general principle when you go from let's say 1.92MHz to 192 KHz but what happens...
First of all, let me warn you, I'm a neophyte on this. Did my EE degree 40 years ago, before FFT's were rediscovered.I am trying to reduce frequency bin "leakage"...
HI,I am having some conceptual difficulty understanding how one an process data from a low IF recever. Currently I am using an #SDR which has a "zero IF" mode which...
Does decimation of a signal result in a shift in the baseline noise?
Started by 8 years ago●11 replies●latest reply 8 years ago●1025 viewsHi, I am collecting samples at a rate of 2,000,000 per second from a software defined radio (#SDR). I am plotting the output of a 16384 point FFT and observing...
Newbie with questions about decimation for SDR
Started by 8 years ago●27 replies●latest reply 8 years ago●2138 viewsHi,I currently have software that will plot a spectrum from I and Q data obtained from a software defined radio. The slowest sampling rate is 2msps. This is...
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