
Re: DSK6711 - Parallel port programming

Started by fran...@yahoo.it in TMS320c6x15 years ago

Excuse me but how do you program your dsk with linux? If you can reply to me I'll stop to stole my dad's pc with Xp..Ok not with code composer...

Excuse me but how do you program your dsk with linux? If you can reply to me I'll stop to stole my dad's pc with Xp..Ok not with code composer studio, and how? Wine for some terminal program like c16? ok for the compiler. And for linker and loader? It is possible to use DSP/BIOS and all the files created with CCS ? bye!! > > > > > Hello, > > I've got a DSK6711 board connected

LOAD START and UNION in cmd file

Started by nelkherj in TMS320c6x19 years ago 1 reply

Hi, I am trying to overlay two sets of files into the same memory location in RAM. Basically, I want to dynamically copy them from ...

Hi, I am trying to overlay two sets of files into the same memory location in RAM. Basically, I want to dynamically copy them from two separate locations in flash in to RAM. I used the UNION directive to try and accomplish this task. I was able to get the linker to create .text1 and .text2 in the map file where the addresses are also in the corr

Compiler optimization, was about strip symbolic information in c6x linker

Started by Thorn, Jon in TMS320c6x22 years ago

Mos, The reason that the result of the second compile is slower is probably that the compiler is doing optimization at the file...

Mos, The reason that the result of the second compile is slower is probably that the compiler is doing optimization at the file level. Try adding the -pm option to your list along with the -o3 and see if results are not better. The -pm option allows the compiler to have

Memory allocation for ".text" section

Started by rajagopalan ramamoorthy in TMS320c6x23 years ago 1 reply

Hi, I am using TMS320C6x EVM (C6200) and CCS version 1.0. In my application I am using DSP/BIOS to generate linker command ...

Hi, I am using TMS320C6x EVM (C6200) and CCS version 1.0. In my application I am using DSP/BIOS to generate linker command file. All the source files are compiled without errors individually. But when I build the project, I get the 2 following errors

CCS3.1 vs CCS3.3

Started by sank...@hotmail.com in TMS320c6x16 years ago 6 replies

I have both CCS 3.1 (DSK limited version) and CCS Platinum 3.3 (full) installed in my computer. Current I am working on DSK6713 board. Using...

I have both CCS 3.1 (DSK limited version) and CCS Platinum 3.3 (full) installed in my computer. Current I am working on DSK6713 board. Using CCS 3.1, generated memory map (part) file looks like: TMS320C6x COFF Linker PC v5.1.0 ***************************************************************************> > Linked Wed Oct 15 14:42:08 2008 OUTPUT FILE NAME:

Problems with debugger

Started by Giovanni Parodi in TMS320c6x19 years ago 4 replies

Hello everybody, I have some problem debugging my C code: I have a C code compiled using the following options -g -pr...

Hello everybody, I have some problem debugging my C code: I have a C code compiled using the following options -g -pr -fr"$(Proj_dir)\Debug" -d"_DEBUG" -mo -mv6400 --mem_model:data=far --consultant I use fastrts64x library (setting this library as the first in the linker order). I do not modify this library (so I don'

Annoying section and symbols shuffling in image

Started by Hugo Jacques in TMS320c6x21 years ago 1 reply

Hi all. I have noticed that if change just a little the code I compile and link, the generated section allocation map can...

Hi all. I have noticed that if change just a little the code I compile and link, the generated section allocation map can change a lot. This seems to be due to the fact the linker attempts to minimize memory fragmentation (From section 7.12.2 of SPRU186m (TMS320C6000

Re: loader error

Started by duxi...@163.com in TMS320c6x15 years ago 1 reply

Hi all, > > I am currently working with C6416 for "BPSK transmitter and receiver > with PLL" under section 10.11.4 in Rulph Chassaing's...

Hi all, > > I am currently working with C6416 for "BPSK transmitter and receiver > with PLL" under section 10.11.4 in Rulph Chassaing's book. > But I face an error while loading transmitter program, which sound > as "loader : One or more sections of your program falls into memory > region that is not writable. These regions will not actually be > written to the target. Check your linker

loader error

Started by jiajuee in TMS320c6x18 years ago

Hi all, I am currently working with C6416 for "BPSK transmitter and receiver with PLL" under section 10.11.4 in Rulph Chassaing's book. But...

Hi all, I am currently working with C6416 for "BPSK transmitter and receiver with PLL" under section 10.11.4 in Rulph Chassaing's book. But I face an error while loading transmitter program, which sound as "loader : One or more sections of your program falls into memory region that is not writable. These regions will not actually be written to the target. Check your linker configurati...

editing linker file .cmd - file

Started by markan_b in TMS320c6x22 years ago 1 reply

I have a with creating two buffers each of 8192 bytes in Internal memory (IRAM)-->I always get linking problem such like: error:...

I have a with creating two buffers each of 8192 bytes in Internal memory (IRAM)-->I always get linking problem such like: error: relocation overflow occured at address e.g. 0x00000430 in section '.text' Is it possible to create these buffers in IRAM and if so, can som

DSK6713 Project

Started by sank...@hotmail.com in TMS320c6x17 years ago 1 reply

Hi, I have just bought a DSK6713 board from Spectrum Digital. Can anyone tell me if there is any small project comes with the CD that I can...

Hi, I have just bought a DSK6713 board from Spectrum Digital. Can anyone tell me if there is any small project comes with the CD that I can download. I would like to know about the following: 1. Initialization 2. Linker command file 3. Gel file 4. Some board test sample codes related to the board. I would like to have a working project. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks Sa...

CCS - Defining callback for a C library in C++ code

Started by o_suplis in TMS320c6x19 years ago

I am writing a C++ application on C6415 using CCS 3. I use a C library for which I have to provide an interrupt handler (thus, that...

I am writing a C++ application on C6415 using CCS 3. I use a C library for which I have to provide an interrupt handler (thus, that function will be called using the C calling convention). However, this handler interacts with a C++ object and has to be defined in a C++ file. Is there a way to inform the compiler/linker to use C calling convention

problems with cmd file

Started by Khurram Shehzad in TMS320c6x20 years ago 1 reply

hi i have written code and i want to put some part of it in internal memory(L2) of c6711 so that it can run fast is ther any way . more...

hi i have written code and i want to put some part of it in internal memory(L2) of c6711 so that it can run fast is ther any way . more over i want to put stack section of my code in the internal memory which is less than 64 k . i have to change linker command file of my proj according to it or i have to use pragma directive ?more over i m using dsp

Memory settings - Again#2 (HELP PLEASE!)

Started by tamas_harczos in TMS320c6x21 years ago

My evergreen question is: how can I adjust my memory setting so that I get more space for static variables and program space??? ...

My evergreen question is: how can I adjust my memory setting so that I get more space for static variables and program space??? (I have found the heapsize parameter in the linker parameter section, but it only helps by dynamic allocation of variables. Doesn't it?) Tam?s

Re: can't load into DDR on C6424 ..

Started by writ...@gmx.at in TMS320c6x17 years ago

hi all, thank you for your quick reponses. i tried the DDR2 example project from spectrumdigital.com, which performs a quick write/read test....

hi all, thank you for your quick reponses. i tried the DDR2 example project from spectrumdigital.com, which performs a quick write/read test. i was able to get it running (without any section being in external SDRAM), but it failed right at the first attempt to read the previously written value... the project uses both the supplied GEL and linker CMD file. i assume my DDR2 is configured cor...

How to get the correct LOAD address

Started by P. Meurs in TMS320c6x24 years ago 4 replies

Who can help me, I want to locate some memory sections inside an external memory at load time. But they need to run from...

Who can help me, I want to locate some memory sections inside an external memory at load time. But they need to run from internal memory. I know how to set up the linker command file, and that I need a routine which takes care of copying from externam to internal memory.

Re: Re: How to allocate a buffer in SDRAM with compound linker command file or DSP/BIOS Configuration Tool

Started by Jeff Brower in TMS320c6x17 years ago

Fab- Thanks for documenting your solution, that's helpful for the group. Yep, Richard is pretty good. -Jeff f...@yahoo.it wrote: > > ...

Fab- Thanks for documenting your solution, that's helpful for the group. Yep, Richard is pretty good. -Jeff f...@yahoo.it wrote: > > Hi to all. > > I am a student and I am trying to learn using DSP with th eDSKBoard 6713. > > I have a problem when I declare an array ( buffer1 ) in SDRAM, i.e. in the section ? .my_section ?. > > What I have done is: > > > > #pragma DATA_SECTION

cannot allocate .image in SDRAM (page 0)

Started by fsc10174 in TMS320c6x21 years ago 1 reply

Hi all, Can anyone tell me how can I solve this: TMS320C6x COFF Linker Version 4.00 Copyright (c) 1996-2000 Texas...

Hi all, Can anyone tell me how can I solve this: TMS320C6x COFF Linker Version 4.00 Copyright (c) 1996-2000 Texas Instruments Incorporated >> cannot allocate .image in SDRAM (page 0) >> errors in input - img_proc.out not built Build Complete,

evm6201 error: Cannot allocate .text!!!!

Started by pooriya_s in TMS320c6x22 years ago 1 reply

Hi everybody, I am using TMS320C6201 and trying to compile a big program on it,when I want to build it all, in linker section it...

Hi everybody, I am using TMS320C6201 and trying to compile a big program on it,when I want to build it all, in linker section it says: "error: can not allocate .text" and "The output file was not built" The way that I tought that could work was that: Go to

Pointer vs Array, or char * vs char[]

Started by William C Bonner in TMS320c6x19 years ago 11 replies

I ran into a strange thing when compiling code for my DSP recently. I would like to know what is going on, if this is something I don't...

I ran into a strange thing when compiling code for my DSP recently. I would like to know what is going on, if this is something I don't understand in a difference of C vs C++, or something really strange in the Code Composer Studio Compiler / Linker. My understanding was that a a char array was simply dealt with as a pointer to the chunk of memory that was declared. The following