
Michael Wirtzfeld (@MichaelRW)

I evaluate the benefit and performance of hearing instrument processing algorithms.

Any progress?A quick look and MEMs microphones seem to not support frequencies beyond 10 kHz.
Two questions:1.)  If you have an existing GRAS microphone, do you have a respective calibration device like the B&K Type 4231 Handheld calibrator?2.)  The...
What happened to the 8 kHz region?

Re: Whatever happened to "Wavelets"?

Reply posted 3 years ago (01/11/2022)
Can you elaborate on those niches?  I've seen them used in biosignal analysis (i.e. EEG), but there are likely more points of application.

Re: Compute inverse FIR

Reply posted 3 years ago (12/29/2021)
What are the terms FRF and IRF?

Re: Free book: Software-Defined Radio for Engineers

Reply posted 3 years ago (12/08/2021)
Nice.  Thank you.  I've been contemplating getting a SDR kit for a while.  This will definitely help me make a decision.

Re: FFT spectrum shift after time domain decimation

Reply posted 3 years ago (06/14/2021)
I think you've inadvertently quartered the original sample rate instead of using half the original sample rate of 44.8 kHz. Consider this example, close all; clear;...

Re: Dinner's ready!

Reply posted 3 years ago (01/31/2021)
A-bit-o-fun!  Thanks for sharing.

Re: z-transform examples

Reply posted 3 years ago (01/30/2021)
See Oppenhiem and Schaffer for concepts and worked examples.
Replacing the text signal with sinusoid confirms the approach.  In using the "symmetric" argument in the IFFT function, conjugate symmetry is ensured in the IFFT...

Re: Is RMS a good metric to estimate gain

Reply posted 4 years ago (11/25/2020)
You could use this an indicator gain in dB:  20*log10( RMS(V2) / RMS(V1) ).
Richard,I'd suggest stepping through the CWT function in Matlab using the debug options.  Since you are using this function now, understanding its functionality could...

Re: NLMS code (simple question)

Reply posted 4 years ago (04/23/2020)
Okay, very good.  A different formulation that I haven't seen:  variance in place of inner-product of tap input vector.

Re: NLMS code (simple question)

Reply posted 4 years ago (04/21/2020)


Reply posted 4 years ago (04/04/2020)
At first glance it appears your "function [y,snr_dB,P_ey_dB] = funzione1(B,A,x,e)" does work properly.  I added a statement at the beginning of this function that...
Matlab does have a CHIRP function.
What coding environment are you using?
Filtering a signal, whether it is done in the frequency domain or the time domain, will change the signal.  How the signal will change (i.e. phase shift, distortion...

Re: Extract pitch of irregular signal ?

Reply posted 5 years ago (11/02/2019)
Hello,If Matlab is available to you, you may want to explore the Mustafa and Bruce (2006) formant tracker.The estimated pitch is 150 Hz, which agrees with your...
Hello,I don't think I fully understand the question.  Having said that the only thing I can suggest, having read Rick's post, is applying the set of 201 filters...
I think all the information is stated in the question.  Consider,close all; clear; clc; set(0, 'DefaultFigureWindowStyle', 'docked'); sampleRate_meters=1; d_meters=0:1:199; a=exp(-sampleRate_meters/20); b=1-a;...

Re: Estimating SNR in the Frequency Domain

Reply posted 5 years ago (03/21/2019)
Hi,I ran your code and found a couple of things I changed to generate a better frequency domain estimate of the SNR.For the computation of the DFT, I divided the...

Re: how would I model my data?

Reply posted 5 years ago (02/02/2019)
You know the intervals, or periods, between each set of impulses.  Take the inverse of these values to get the corresponding frequencies.  Generating a histogram...
Matlab and Excel are very common tools.  I would think a lot of people on this site have used them or their equivalents.Post your questions...

Re: Matlab-implementation of dynamic range compressor

Reply posted 6 years ago (01/14/2019)
Where did you find the block-diagram?

Re: Magnitude of "wav" files

Reply posted 6 years ago (11/27/2018)
Good luck and have fun!

Re: Magnitude of "wav" files

Reply posted 6 years ago (11/27/2018)
See this post.

Re: Magnitude of "wav" files

Reply posted 6 years ago (11/27/2018)
For your information, to half-wave rectify a digital signal replace negative samples by zero and keep the positive samples.The cut-off frequency of the lowpass filter...

Re: Magnitude of "wav" files

Reply posted 6 years ago (11/27/2018)
If you want to extract the envelope of a WAV-file, there are many ways to do this.  I suggest you try half-wave rectification followed by lowpass filtering.

Re: Magnitude of "wav" files

Reply posted 6 years ago (11/27/2018)
There are numerous methods available in Matlab.  Try a basic Google search like "Matlab psd" to start and go from there.

Re: Octave BandPass Filter on Audio Wav Files

Reply posted 6 years ago (11/25/2018)
You are welcome.  If you have any questions, please let me know.I am interested in seeing how your project progresses.Michael.

Re: Octave BandPass Filter on Audio Wav Files

Reply posted 6 years ago (11/24/2018)
Also see this article on digital envelope detection by Rick Lyons.

Re: Octave BandPass Filter on Audio Wav Files

Reply posted 6 years ago (11/19/2018)
Hi,You have a long road ahead of you if you are attempting to implement the recurrent neural network (RNN) in the white-paper you cited in your original post. ...

Re: Octave BandPass Filter on Audio Wav Files

Reply posted 6 years ago (11/18/2018)
Resaech EMS methods.  I found this readily IS2018Supp.pdfGiven the link to the Python library, you need Python code? 
Everything is correct.  As achesir and pomartel have described, aliasing is occurring for frequencies larger than the Nyquist frequency.  In your example the sample...

Re: Problem with 1st order Massberg LPF

Reply posted 6 years ago (08/24/2018)
Very good.  I'm glad to have helped.

Re: Problem with 1st order Massberg LPF

Reply posted 6 years ago (08/24/2018)
I think the value for Omega_s is not correct.  The value that I get is 0.07121.  Since the "b0", "b1", "a0", and "a1" coefficients are computed using Omega_s then...

Re: Book on Frequency Hopping

Reply posted 6 years ago (07/12/2018)
See Dixon.
Hello,With the nonlinear response of typical electrical-to-acoustic transducers, what methods are available to characterize their nonlinear behaviour to test signals...

Re: z-transform: Confused on how to find ROC of H(z)

Reply posted 6 years ago (04/12/2018)
Hello, Mr. Westcott:Your comments are extremely interesting?  Could you please elaborate on them?  In particular the ideas of "decorating a transfer function"...

Re: How to Obtain Biquad Coefficients

Reply posted 6 years ago (03/11/2018)
Very good.

Re: How to Obtain Biquad Coefficients

Reply posted 6 years ago (03/07/2018)
Hello,You've likely already found the issue with your script-file, but the third argument to the "bilinear" function should be "Fs" not "1/Fs".  With this change...

Re: Understanding Subband Filtering?

Reply posted 6 years ago (02/21/2018)
One more item, if you do not have access to Matlab, Octave is an great alternative.  See "https://www.gnu.org/software/octave/".

Re: Understanding Subband Filtering?

Reply posted 6 years ago (02/19/2018)
Hello,No problem.  My pleasure. Please keep in touch.

Re: Understanding Subband Filtering?

Reply posted 6 years ago (02/19/2018)
Hello,The effective duration of the signal before and after decimation is unchanged.  The original signal, "s", is 1 second in duration (i.e. see the "netTime"...

Re: Understanding Subband Filtering?

Reply posted 6 years ago (02/19/2018)
Hello,Although I don't work with multirate filters on a daily basis, I think I can provide you with some insight on what is going on here.In order to apply a 512-point...
By "visual fashion" I am going to assume you are talking about images.  If that is indeed the context, then I suggest the article "Image Quality Assessment: From...

Re: cascaded FFTs

Reply posted 7 years ago (07/10/2017)
On the face of it, don't these operations just perform a 2-dimensional FFT with different frequency resolutions in each dimension?

Re: Cross Correlation with Increasing Finite functions

Reply posted 7 years ago (07/05/2017)
So, the two signals (red and blue curves) shown in the figures produced by your script-file will always have the same general shape and offset value (6, in this...

Re: Frame based audio features for machine learning?

Reply posted 7 years ago (05/22/2017)
Hello,I would try both approaches and see if there is a performance difference using the same type of classifier.First, train the classifier using the 183 MFCC feature...
It looks like you've taken into account the change in sign necessary to change the maximization problem into a minimization problem that is suitable for the FMINCON...
Out of curiosity, how do you know the answer is wrong?  Please discuss your rationale for reaching this conclusion.
This idea reminds me of the stories about the "hackers" that are able to hack and control cars like the Toyota Prius.  One of the facts that these sensational...
Is this relevant?http://dsp.stackexchange.com/questions/30461/probl...
Are your two sinusoidal signals just tones, or combined with other signal?It would be helpful if you could make them available or Matlab code that generates examples...

Re: Filter design

Reply posted 7 years ago (02/22/2017)
In this particular example, the person is working in real-world units (as indicated in Tim's response below) to define the parameters of the lowpass filter.  The...
What do you mean by "generating the burst of sine wave"?  If you are using a sinusoidal input that is "turned on" at time zero, the filter's response will consist...
Can you post the s-domain transfer function(s)?
Like bhoward, I have also struggled with the task of including Matlab generated figures in a LaTeX document.  To be frank with you, I would stay away from tools...
Two things that are helpful to do in order to include a Matlab generated figure into a LaTeX document is to set the size of the figure and to increase the size of...

Re: Upsampled input to an Adaptive filter?

Reply posted 7 years ago (01/26/2017)
It looks like you may need to think about the LMS parameters and perhaps its implementation. You have indicated there are constraints to your problem, but based...
Good morning,I think this is a somewhat common ailment of most technical articles today.  Non-technical articles too.  I get the sense that the authors have...

Re: Upsampled input to an Adaptive filter?

Reply posted 8 years ago (01/22/2017)
The other aspect of the problem that we might be over looking is the number of weights you are using in your LMS adaptive filter.  Typically, adaptive filters use...

Re: Upsampled input to an Adaptive filter?

Reply posted 8 years ago (01/22/2017)
By only "upsampling and interpolating" the input signal (i.e. the signal to be filtered) and not the desired signal, are you expecting the same 'delta' channel response?...

Re: Preemphasis Filter Design

Reply posted 8 years ago (01/15/2017)
Hello,I think you need to provide additional information before we can get a handle on your question.First of all your figure has no legend.  What are the frequencies...

Re: Voice recognition using TMS

Reply posted 8 years ago (01/14/2017)
I think Dr. Mike's suggestion is the way to proceed.

Re: Voice recognition using TMS

Reply posted 8 years ago (01/14/2017)
As @DaniloDara has said, no specific algorithm is necessary to accomplish this task.  However, you will need to write some code that will transfer the digital...

Re: Voice recognition using TMS

Reply posted 8 years ago (01/14/2017)
Hello, André:I would suggest that you approach this project in two steps.First, write code that will get the DSP board to act "transparently."  This means the...

Re: 3D fft Matlab

Reply posted 8 years ago (12/14/2016)
Hello,I agree with Mike.  Start with 2D cases and work your way to 3D.  Although I've done a bit of work using FFTs, it's been primarily with speech signals.  Adding extra...

Re: Matlab - How to plot magnitude error

Reply posted 8 years ago (08/01/2016)
I am more familiar with Matlab than Octave.  However, it does look like Octave supports the "freqz" function, which appears to be what you want based on your...
Hi, Although this is not my area of expertise, I will wade into the discussion. Based on the datasheet and what I have read here gearslutz_link_1of2 and here gearslutz_link_2of2,...

Re: Tuning PID controllers

Reply posted 8 years ago (07/07/2016)
Hello.  Could you provide background information on your balance arm system?

Re: Similarity between two data points

Reply posted 8 years ago (06/20/2016)
Hi, Sia:What is the data type (i.e. real-value, categorical, etc.) of each of the three features for each point?Michael.

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