
Re: about init codec on c54x

Started by Jeff Brower in TMS320c54x20 years ago 1 reply

Sandip- > thank you very much. i have a code from the texas's site slaa109.zip, i have > attached here. This code is for the acoustice...

Sandip- > thank you very much. i have a code from the texas's site slaa109.zip, i have > attached here. This code is for the acoustice echo canceller, configuration code > for TLV320AIC10 is also give. How can I modify this code for codec TLV320AD50? and > how i can run this on DSK c5402?. what real-time procedure i need to follow? > thanks

incorrect signal output using codec

Started by czarlee in TMS320c54x22 years ago

Hi , I'm sorry if someone has already asked this question. I'm having a problem using the codec program. I want to do a simple...

Hi , I'm sorry if someone has already asked this question. I'm having a problem using the codec program. I want to do a simple function of outputting a cosine with frequency component of 1000Hz. The problem is when I monitor the signal using oscilloscope , the waveform do

interfacing to a TI AIC23 codec.

Started by jmmtk in TMS320c54x22 years ago 1 reply

Hi, i've been trying to figure out how to interface the AIC23 codec, to the 5402 dsp. Can it really be true that i need to use one...

Hi, i've been trying to figure out how to interface the AIC23 codec, to the 5402 dsp. Can it really be true that i need to use one of the MCBSP for the control interface, and then use the other MCBSP for sending the digital audio data?

SNR measurements

Started by Mukul Bhatnagar in TMS320c54x22 years ago

Hi All I want to test the performance of a noise suppression algorithm running on a 5402 DSK . Is it appropriate to use a known...

Hi All I want to test the performance of a noise suppression algorithm running on a 5402 DSK . Is it appropriate to use a known SNR noise corrupted file as an input to the codec and record the output of the codec on a pc (using something like a wav recorder) to make such


Started by Saranjeet Singh in TMS320c54x21 years ago 2 replies

I m currently trying to execute the program called codec.pjt the following errors seems not to allow me to run the program...

I m currently trying to execute the program called codec.pjt the following errors seems not to allow me to run the program appropriatly. If there is any body who can help plz, plz do reply to me.The errors are attacted in the above attachment. Thankz Seth-

Help with TLV320AIC12 codec configure!!

Started by gramsmi2000 in TMS320c54x21 years ago 1 reply

Hi All! It's first time I use audio codec and I'm new with TMS320VC5416 DSP, so forgive me if my question is so easy. I've...

Hi All! It's first time I use audio codec and I'm new with TMS320VC5416 DSP, so forgive me if my question is so easy. I've use "data converter support" tool to generate driver files, and I haven?t done any more. When I call dc_configure API functi

dsk5402 codec register programming

Started by Micah Caudle in TMS320c54x21 years ago

Pardon my last message. Something malfunctioned somewhere and only half of the message text was sent. I have a more burning...

Pardon my last message. Something malfunctioned somewhere and only half of the message text was sent. I have a more burning question now. I am having trouble programming the control registers of the AD50 codec on the 5402 DSK. If anyone has succesfully programmed the cod


Started by liusheng12 in TMS320c54x21 years ago

Currently, I am working on AIC111EVM CODEC and DSK5416. Since I do not have the newest CCS version with the data conversion...

Currently, I am working on AIC111EVM CODEC and DSK5416. Since I do not have the newest CCS version with the data conversion support on AIC111, I found it is really very hard to develop something from scratch. I tried it based on the AIC111EVM tech ref. and AIC111EVM Use

TLV320AIC12 Data Format

Started by gramsmi2002 in TMS320c54x21 years ago 1 reply

Hi all, I'm developing with TMS320C5416 DSP and TLV320AIC12 codec. 16 bits samples at 8000 Hz sampling frecuency, are...

Hi all, I'm developing with TMS320C5416 DSP and TLV320AIC12 codec. 16 bits samples at 8000 Hz sampling frecuency, are received into a buffer. When this buffer is full,I code it through G.729 ITU codec and then I decode it. But, when I write the decoded buff

McBSP 3, how do I get started?

Started by bsd_mike in TMS320c54x20 years ago 2 replies

Hello, I have a codec connected to McBSP3. The codec is a single channel device which expects ulaw/alaw data in the first...

Hello, I have a codec connected to McBSP3. The codec is a single channel device which expects ulaw/alaw data in the first byte after the frame pulse. I have verified I have clock, frame pulse, on appropriate pins on the board. On another board

RE: codec problem

Started by Vinodh Rathna N in TMS320c54x23 years ago

Subject: codec problem ** Proprietary ** Hi When u poweron ur DSP whatever settings is there in the clock mode pins...

Subject: codec problem ** Proprietary ** Hi When u poweron ur DSP whatever settings is there in the clock mode pins will be written to clock mode registers, if Dip switches 5 & 6 are up then it is true that its register calue becomes 1007 but this value

reading data from buffer

Started by Anonymous in TMS320c54x23 years ago

hi i am having doubt regs.TMS3205402 kit interfacing. i am executing codec .mak file and the input is micand output is speaker. ...

hi i am having doubt regs.TMS3205402 kit interfacing. i am executing codec .mak file and the input is micand output is speaker. in codec.c program ,they have given like this at the end data=*(volatile u 16*)DRR1_ADDR(HANDSET_CODEC); (volatile u 16*)DXR1_ADDR(HANDSE

problems on McBSP and audio codec interfacing

Started by girish b in TMS320c54x23 years ago

Hello all, I am facing problems with the configuration of McBSP and Audio Codec .The required file is attached for your...

Hello all, I am facing problems with the configuration of McBSP and Audio Codec .The required file is attached for your reference. I hope you will be able to point out where the mistake lies. I have the following issues regarding McBSP 1) Regarding frame w

Multiple DMA channels in c5409

Started by narcispr in TMS320c54x21 years ago

Hello! I'm using a c5409 DSP. I have 2 AD codecs a 1 DA codec in my board. I would reproduce with the DA codec the audio...

Hello! I'm using a c5409 DSP. I have 2 AD codecs a 1 DA codec in my board. I would reproduce with the DA codec the audio adquired follow the AD1 and AD2 like represent de next schema. ))< AD1-->McBSP0-->DMA0-->CiclicBufferAD0 ))< AD2-->McBSP2--&g

storing speach data

Started by kannuri srihari in TMS320c54x23 years ago

hi all, I am trying to store the speach data, which is coming from the CODEC. Once I stored in a buffer of length 200. After...

hi all, I am trying to store the speach data, which is coming from the CODEC. Once I stored in a buffer of length 200. After that I have tried to play back to speaker through CODEC. But I am not getting the contineous sound, as I heared by sending data to speaker Immediately w

McBSP2 Recieve Interrupt (DSK 5416)

Started by Yuri_Feigin in TMS320c54x22 years ago 1 reply

Hi All ! I connected the McBSP 2 to PCM3002 codec (via CPLD). I also configured the codec by its control registers (via...

Hi All ! I connected the McBSP 2 to PCM3002 codec (via CPLD). I also configured the codec by its control registers (via CPLD). I also configured the McBSP2 configurations. I set the IMR to 0x40. INTM=0; I"m recording from microphone and I

Codec & Eval Board

Started by Dylan in TMS320c54x22 years ago

ok, please forgive me... I new at dsp coding :) I recently got my hands on the EVM320VC5416 eval board from Spectrum Digital. ...

ok, please forgive me... I new at dsp coding :) I recently got my hands on the EVM320VC5416 eval board from Spectrum Digital. I've started coding and all I want to do is pull data off the codec and push into one of these fancy PIPs. I can't seem to find sample code to do this

G.729E Speech Codec onC54x

Started by plgajare in TMS320c54x23 years ago 1 reply

Hi all! I am implementing G.729E speech codec on TI DSP TMS320C5402 dsk as my mini project. In the particular project I...

Hi all! I am implementing G.729E speech codec on TI DSP TMS320C5402 dsk as my mini project. In the particular project I am able to run the available standard C code on the dsk but to implement that in real time, i need to optimize some of the functions of basic_o

using McBSP for TI Codecs

Started by sahana rao in TMS320c54x23 years ago 1 reply

hello i am working on codec TL320AD50c on TMS320VC5402 DSP kit. i have to send data to the codec. should i use DXR or DRR...

hello i am working on codec TL320AD50c on TMS320VC5402 DSP kit. i have to send data to the codec. should i use DXR or DRR register of McBSP In my program i have used DXR register to output the sample. i am getting the data in the DXR reg. when i tried to call

still problem with UART

Started by kannuri srihari in TMS320c54x23 years ago

hi all, Still I am facing same problem with UART. I did't get any data to HT. Actually I am trying to store the data...

hi all, Still I am facing same problem with UART. I did't get any data to HT. Actually I am trying to store the data received from mic. For this I am using Codec demo and to see the data I am planning to integrate codec with uart demo. I have tried to