Forums Update, Tips and Tricks - Please Read!
Started by 8 years ago●14 replies●latest reply 4 weeks ago●3014 viewsIt's been a few months since the launch of the new forums. Here are a few thoughts.
The thumbsup and beer buttons
If there is one thing that could have a...
How to design cic digital filter for sigma delta adc
Started by 7 months ago●9 replies●latest reply 4 days ago●271 viewsMy SD ADC modulator has a sampling frequency of 1.024 MHz, an input bandwidth of 1 kHz, an oversampling ratio of 512, a single-loop second-order structure, and a...
I have specifications for an upsampling filter chain on an ASIC and need recommendations for a more efficient design approach.The filtering happens after upsampling,...
Far Off Topic: A Simple Geometry Problem That Had Me "Going in Circles"
Started by 6 years ago●12 replies●latest reply 7 days ago●664 viewsAt a garage sale recently I bought the book "More Marilyn, Some Like It Bright!" for one U.S. dollar. In that book the following simple geometry problem was posedThe...
Using STO as a proxy for accurate CFO compensation
Started by 2 weeks ago●6 replies●latest reply 2 weeks ago●107 viewsHello!I have an OFDM-based system and I am trying to accurately estimate the Carrier Frequency Offset (CFO) and the Sampling Time Offset (STO).I use the "traditional"...
A question about peak detection for a transient (17ms) CW beep on channelized chunks (0.3 sec chunks) from a SDR.My current approach is to get the Power Spectral...
Issues regarding the implementation of integrator in GMSK modulator
Started by 4 months ago●11 replies●latest reply 4 weeks ago●151 viewsI'm trying to implement a GMSK modulator using simulink. Initially, I've passed the signal to a Gaussian filter, then it is passed to an integrator, but I'm not...
Hello,I've been wanting to get my feet wet in FPGA DSP, after many years strictly firmware (C, C++, assembly), including since a good deal of DSP seems to be migrating...
Setting prominence in signal.find_peaks
Started by 1 month ago●3 replies●latest reply 1 month ago●133 viewsI am rocessing a radio signals on a Rpi5 with a Software Defined Radio (SDR) in python and need to adaptively set the prominence parameter of scipy signal.find_peaks.The...
Quantizing the feedback coefficient in the Goertzel algorithm
Started by 2 years ago●3 replies●latest reply 1 month ago●239 viewsThe value of the feedback coefficient in the Goertzel algorithm it given by:c = 2*cos( 2*pi*k/N); where k is the bin number and N is the number of points.Here...
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