
Stephane Boucher (@stephaneb)

Founder and publisher of the Related Sites, including DSPRelated.com, EmbeddedRelated.com, FPGARelated.com and Electronics-Related.com.

The 2024 DSP Online Conference

Stephane Boucher October 28, 2024

Here we go!

This week is the fifth edition of the DSP Online Conference! This milestone year marks our 5th anniversary, and we’re celebrating with a stellar lineup of renowned DSP experts like fred harris, Rick Lyons, Julius Orion Smith III, and Dan Boschen. These industry leaders will be generously sharing their knowledge and insights with the DSP community.

Why Attend?

Even if your schedule is packed this week, purchasing a pass grants you on-demand access to all...

The 2024 DSP Online Conference

Stephane Boucher July 10, 2024

We are very excited to announce that the DSP Online Conference is back this year for a fourth year in a row and will take place October 29, 30 and 31.

Unlike traditional DSP conferences, where most talks are highly specialized and tailored to researchers, our conference is designed to be accessible to a broader audience of DSP enthusiasts, from students and practicing engineers to hobbyists and DSP experts.

For this year's edition, we are aiming to provide a program that will be organized...

Access to 50+ Sessions From the DSP Online Conference

Stephane Boucher September 21, 2023

In case you forget or didn't already know, registering for the 2023 DSP Online Conference automatically gives you 10 months of unlimited access to all sessions from previous editions of the conference.  So for the price of an engineering book, you not only get access to the upcoming 2023 DSP Online Conference but also to hours upon hours of on-demand DSP gold from some of the best experts in the field.

The value you get for your small investment is simply huge. Many of the...

Sonos, Shut Up and Take My Money! - Is Spatial Audio Finally Here?

Stephane Boucher May 24, 20231 comment

Although I generally agree that money can't buy happiness, I recently made a purchase that has brought me countless hours of pure joy. In this blog post, I want to share my excitement with the DSPRelated community, because I know there are many audio and music enthusiasts here, and also because I suspect there is a lot of DSP magic behind this product. And I would love to hear your opinions and experiences if you have also bought or tried the Sonos ERA 300 wireless speaker, or any other...

A New Related Site!

Stephane Boucher September 22, 20222 comments

We are delighted to announce the launch of the very first new Related site in 15 years!  The new site will be dedicated to the trendy and quickly growing field of Machine Learning and will be called - drum roll please - MLRelated.com.

We think MLRelated fits perfectly well within the “Related” family, with:

  • the fast growth of TinyML, which is a topic of great interest to the EmbeddedRelated community
  • the use of Machine/Deep Learning in Signal Processing applications, which is of...

The 2021 DSP Online Conference

Stephane Boucher September 29, 20211 comment

The 2021 DSP Online Conference is just around the corner and this year again, the program is packed with opportunities for DSP engineers to refresh their DSP skills and learn a few new tricks along the way. 

By registering for the conference, not only will you have full access to all talks, workshops, and Q&A sessions at this year's event, but you'll also gain instant access to all talks from last year's...

The DSP Online Conference - Right Around the Corner!

Stephane Boucher September 20, 2020

It is Sunday night as I write this blog post with a few days to go before the virtual doors of the very first DSP Online Conference open..

It all started with a post in the DSPRelated forum about three months ago.  We had just had a blast running the 2020 Embedded Online Conference and we thought it could be fun to organize a smaller event dedicated to the DSP community.  So my goal with the post in the forum was to see if...

Already 3000+ Attendees Registered for the Upcoming Embedded Online Conference

Stephane Boucher February 14, 2020

Chances are you already know, through the newsletter or banners on the Related sites, about the upcoming Embedded Online Conference.

Chances are you also already know that you have until the end of the month of February to register for free. 

And chances are that you are one of the more than 3000 pro-active engineers who have already registered.

But If you are like me and have a tendency to do tomorrow what can be done today, maybe you haven't registered yet.  You may...

Free Goodies from Embedded World - Full Inventory and Upcoming Draw Live-Streaming Date

Stephane Boucher March 22, 20191 comment

Chances are that you already know that I went to Embedded World a few weeks ago and came back with a bag full of "goodies".  Initially, my vision was to do a single draw for one person to win it all, but I didn't expect to come back with so much stuff and so many development kits.   Based on your feedback, it seems like you guys agree that It wouldn't make sense for one person to win everything as no-one could make good use of all the boards and there would be lots of...

Free Goodies from Embedded World - What to Do Next?

Stephane Boucher March 6, 20193 comments

I told you I would go on a hunt for free stuff at Embedded World in order to build a bundle for someone to win.

Back from Embedded World 2019 - Funny Stories and Live-Streaming Woes

Stephane Boucher March 1, 20191 comment

When the idea of live-streaming parts of Embedded World came to me,  I got so excited that I knew I had to make it happen.  I perceived the opportunity as a win-win-win-win.  

  • win #1 - Engineers who could not make it to Embedded World would be able to sample the huge event, 
  • win #2 - The organisation behind EW would benefit from the extra exposure
  • win #3 - Lecturers and vendors who would be live-streamed would reach a (much) larger audience
  • win #4 - I would get...

Spread the Word and Run a Chance to Win a Bundle of Goodies from Embedded World

Stephane Boucher February 21, 2019

Do you have a Twitter and/or Linkedin account?

If you do, please consider paying close attention for the next few days to the EmbeddedRelated Twitter account and to my personal Linkedin account (feel free to connect).  This is where I will be posting lots of updates about how the EmbeddedRelated.tv live streaming experience is going at Embedded World.

The most successful this live broadcasting experience will be, the better the chances that I will be able to do it...

Launch of EmbeddedRelated.tv

Stephane Boucher February 21, 2019

With the upcoming Embedded Word just around the corner, I am very excited to launch the EmbeddedRelated.tv platform.  

This is where you will find the schedule for all the live broadcasts that I will be doing from Embedded World next week.  Please note that the schedule will be evolving constantly, even during the show, so I suggest your refresh the page often.  For instance, I am still unsure if I will be able to do the 'opening of the doors' broadcast as...

Live Streaming from Embedded World!

Stephane Boucher February 12, 2019

For those of you who won't be attending Embedded World this year, I will try to be your eyes and ears by video streaming live from the show floor.   

I am not talking improvised streaming from a phone, but real, high quality HD streaming with a high-end camera and a device that will bond three internet connections (one wifi and two cellular) to ensure a steady, and hopefully reliable, stream. All this to hopefully give those of you who cannot be there in person a virtual...

Sensors Expo - Trip Report & My Best Video Yet!

Stephane Boucher August 3, 20183 comments

This was my first time at Sensors Expo and my second time in Silicon Valley and I must say I had a great time.  

Before I share with you what I find to be, by far, my best 'highlights' video yet for a conference/trade show, let me try to entertain you with a few anecdotes from this trip.  If you are not interested by my stories or maybe don't have the extra minutes needed to read them, please feel free to skip to the end of this blog post to watch the...

Who else is going to Sensors Expo in San Jose? Looking for roommate(s)!

Stephane Boucher May 29, 20186 comments

This will be my first time attending this show and I must say that I am excited. I am bringing with me my cameras and other video equipment with the intention to capture as much footage as possible and produce a (hopefully) fun to watch 'highlights' video. I will also try to film as many demos as possible and share them with you.

I enjoy going to shows like this one as it gives me the opportunity to get out of my home-office (from where I manage and run the *Related sites) and actually...

Crowdfunding Articles?

Stephane Boucher April 12, 201828 comments

Many of you have the knowledge and talent to write technical articles that would benefit the EE community.  What is missing for most of you though, and very understandably so, is the time and motivation to do it.   

But what if you could make some money to compensate for your time spent on writing the article(s)?  Would some of you find the motivation and make the time?

I am thinking of implementing a system/mechanism that would allow the EE community to...

Embedded World 2018 - More Videos!

Stephane Boucher March 27, 20181 comment

After the interview videos last week, this week I am very happy to release two more videos taken at Embedded World 2018 and that I am proud of.  

For both videos, I made extensive use of my two new toys, a Zhiyun Crane Gimbal and a Sony a6300 camera.

The use of a gimbal like the Zhiyun makes a big difference in terms of making the footage look much more stable and cinematographic.

As for the Sony camera, it takes fantastic slow-motion footage and...

Embedded World 2018 - The Interviews

Stephane Boucher March 21, 2018

Once again this year, I had the chance to go to Embedded World in Nuremberg Germany.  And once again this year, I brought my video equipment to try and capture some of the most interesting things at the show.  

Something new this year, I asked Jacob Beningo if he would partner with me in doing interviews with a few vendors.  I would operate the camera while Jacob would ask the right questions to the vendors to make them talk about the key products/features that...

Finally got a drone!

Stephane Boucher August 28, 20172 comments

As a reader of my blog, you already know that I have been making videos lately and thoroughly enjoying the process.  When I was in Germany early this summer (and went 280 km/h in a porsche!) to produce SEGGER's 25th anniversary video, the company bought a drone so we could get an aerial shot of the party (at about the 1:35 mark in this video).  Since then, I have been obsessing on buying a drone for myself and finally made the move a few weeks ago - I acquired a used DJI...

SEGGER's 25th Anniversary Video

Stephane Boucher July 18, 20172 comments

Chances are you will find this video more interesting to watch if you take five minutes to first read the story of the week I spent at SEGGER's headquarters at the end of June.  

The video is only a little more than 2 minutes long.  If you decide to watch it, make sure to go full screen and I would really love to read your thoughts about it in the comments down bellow.  Do you think a video like this succeeds in making the viewer want to learn more about the company?...

Went 280km/h (174mph) in a Porsche Panamera in Germany!

Stephane Boucher July 10, 201712 comments

Those of you who've been following my blog lately already know that I am going through some sort of mid-life crisis that involves going out there to meet people and make videos.  It all started with Embedded World early this year, then continued at ESC Boston a couple of months ago and the latest chapter just concluded as I returned from Germany after spending a week at SEGGER's headquarters to produce a video to highlight their 25th anniversary.  

Going back to Germany!

Stephane Boucher June 13, 20176 comments

A couple of blog posts ago, I wrote that the decision to go to ESC Boston ended up being a great one for many different reasons.  I came back from the conference energized and really happy that I went.  

These feelings were amplified a few days after my return when I received an email from Rolf Segger, the founder of SEGGER Microcontroller (check out their very new website), asking if I would be interested in visiting their headquarters...

ESC Boston's Videos are Now Up

Stephane Boucher June 5, 2017

In my last blog, I told you about my experience at ESC Boston and the few videos that I was planning to produce and publish.  Here they are, please have a look and any feedback (positive or negative) is appreciated. 

Short Highlight

This is a very short (one minute) montage of some of the footage that I shot at the show & conference.  In future shows, I absolutely need to insert clips here and there of engineers saying a few words about the conference (why they...

Back from ESC Boston

Stephane Boucher May 6, 20172 comments

NOT going to ESC Boston would have allowed me to stay home, in my comfort zone.

NOT going to ESC Boston would have saved me from driving in the absolutely horrible & stressful Boston traffic1.

NOT going to ESC Boston would have saved me from having to go through a full search & questioning session at the Canada Customs on my return2.

2017/06/06 update: Videos are now up!

So two days...

Launch of Youtube Channel: My First Videos - Embedded World 2017

Stephane Boucher April 5, 201721 comments

I went to Embedded World 2017 in Nuremberg with an ambitious plan; I would make video highlights of several exhibits (booths) to be presented to the *Related sites audience.  I would try to make the vendors focus their pitch on the essential in order to produce a one to three minutes video per booth.

So far my experience with making videos was limited to family videos, so I knew I had lots of reading to do and lots of Youtube videos and tutorials to watch.  Trade shows are...

New Comments System (please help me test it)

Stephane Boucher October 4, 201617 comments

I thought it would take me a day or two to implement, it took almost two weeks...

But here it is, the new comments systems for blogs, heavily inspired by the forum system I developed earlier this year.  

Which means that:

  • You can easily add images, either by drag and drop or through the 'Insert Image' button
  • You can add MathML, TeX and ASCIImath equations and they will be rendered with Mathjax
  • You can add code snippets and they will be highlighted with highlights.js
  • You can edit...

3 Good News

Stephane Boucher March 9, 20161 comment
Good News #1

Last week, I announced a new and ambitious reward program that will be funded by the new Vendors Directory.

This week, I am happy to announce that we have our firsts two sponsors!  Quantum Leaps & Abelon Systems have agreed to pay the sponsorship fee to be listed in the new Vendors Directory.  Because of their support, there is now some money in the reward pool ($1,000) and enough to pay for the firsts 500 'beers' awarded.  Please...

The New Forum is LIVE!

Stephane Boucher February 18, 20161 comment

After months of hard word, I am very excited to introduce to you the new forum interface.  

Here are the key features:

1- Easily add images to a post by drag & dropping the images in the editor

2- Easily attach files to a post by drag & dropping the files in the editor

3- Add latex equations to a post and they will be rendered with Mathjax (tutorial)

4- Add a code snippet and surround the code with

Helping New Bloggers to Break the Ice: A New Ipad Pro for the Author with the Best Article!

Stephane Boucher November 9, 2015

Breaking the ice can be tough. Over the years, many individuals have asked to be given access to the blogging interface only to never post an article.

Welcoming MANY New Bloggers!

Stephane Boucher October 27, 20153 comments

The response to the latest call for bloggers has been amazing and I am very grateful.

In this post I present to you the individuals who, so far (I am still receiving applications at an impressive rate and will update this page as more bloggers are added),  have been given access to the blogging interface.  I am very pleased with the positive response and I think the near future will see the publication of many great articles, given the quality of the...

Recruiting New Bloggers!

Stephane Boucher October 16, 20157 comments

Previous calls for bloggers have been very successful in recruiting some great communicators - Rick LyonsJason Sachs, Victor Yurkovsky, Mike Silva, Markus NentwigGene BrenimanStephen Friederichs,

Premium Forum?

Stephane Boucher May 25, 201514 comments

Chances are that by now, you have had a chance to browse the new design of the *related site that I published several weeks ago.  I have been working for several months on this and I must admit that I am very happy with the results.  This new design will serve as a base for many new exciting developments. I would love to hear your comments/suggestions if you have any, please use the comments system at the bottom of this page.

First on my list would be to build and launch a new forum...

The Sampling Theorem - An Intuitive Approach

Stephane Boucher January 26, 20151 comment

Scott Kurtz from DSPSoundWare.com has put together a video presentation that aims to help DSPers gain a better intuitive understanding of the Sampling Theorem.   Feel free to have a look and share your thoughts by commenting this blog post.

DSP Related Math: Nice Animated GIFs

Stephane Boucher April 24, 20143 comments

I was browsing the ECE subreddit lately and found that some of the most popular posts over the last few months have been animated GIFs helping understand some mathematical concepts.  I thought there would be some value in aggregating the DSP related gifs on one page.  

The relationship between sin, cos, and right triangles: Constructing a square wave with infinite series (see this...

DSPRelated and EmbeddedRelated now on Facebook & I will be at EE Live!

Stephane Boucher February 27, 20148 comments

I have two news to share with you today.

The first one is that I finally created Facebook pages for DSPRelated.com and EmbeddedRelated (DSPRelated page - EmbeddedRelated page). For a long time I didn't feel that this was something that was needed, but it seems that these days more and more people are using their Facebook account to stay updated with their favorite websites. In any event, if you have a Facebook account, I would greatly appreciate if you could use the next 5 seconds to "like"...

Collaborative Writing Experiment: Your Favorite DSP Websites

Stephane Boucher May 30, 2013

You are invited to contribute to the content of this blog post through the magic of Google Docs' real time collaboration feature.

I discovered this tool several months ago when I was looking for a way to coordinate our annual family halloween party (potluck) and avoid the very unpleasant situation of ending up with too much chips and not enough chocolate (first world problem!).  It was amusing to keep an eye on the "food you will bring" document we had created for this and watch...

DSPRelated Finally on Twitter!

Stephane Boucher February 20, 20132 comments


It's been a while since you've heard from me - and there are many reasons why:

1 - I've made a clown of myself (video here)

2 - I've been working on unifying the user management system.  You can now participate to the three related sites (DSPRelated, FPGARelated and EmbeddedRelated) with only one account (same login info). 

3- I've been working on getting up to speed with social networks and especially Twitter.   I have resisted the idea for a while - at 40...

Two jobs

Stephane Boucher December 5, 201223 comments

For those of you following closely embeddedrelated and the other related sites, you might have noticed that I have been less active for the last couple of months, and I will use this blog post to explain why. The main reason is that I got myself involved into a project that ended up using a better part of my cpu than I originally thought it would.

edit - video of the event:

I currently have two jobs: one as an electrical/dsp engineer recycled as a web publisher and the other...

Do you like the new Comments System?

Stephane Boucher September 19, 20124 comments

I have just finished implementing a new comments system for the blogs.  Do you like it?

Please share your thoughts with me by adding a comment.

I'll wait a few days and make sure it works properly and then I'll port it to the code snippets and papers section.


DSP Papers, Articles, Theses, etc

Stephane Boucher March 17, 20111 comment

As you may already know, there is a 'Papers and Theses' section on DSPRelated:http://www.dsprelated.com/documents.phpThere are hundreds of DSP Related documents (articles, papers, theses, dissertations, etc) scattered all around the web, and the goal with this section is to find and list as many of those documents as possible in one place. There are, at the moment, a little over 100 documents listed, which I believe is only a small subset of what is available out there, and I need your help...

Code Snippets Suggestions

Stephane Boucher January 19, 20115 comments

Despite being only a couple of months old, the Code Snippet section ( DSPRelated.com/code.php ) already contains tens of snippets, thanks to the contributors who have taken the time to share their code. 

But let's not stop here - there is room for several hundreds more snippets before the database can be said to cover a decent portion of the DSP field.  

To keep the momentum going, I will do two things:  

First, I am modifying the rewards program.  Instead of...

Latest DSP Books

Stephane Boucher December 1, 2010

As you may already know, Rick Lyons has just published a new edition of his highly acclaimed book: "Understanding Digital Signal Processing".   This book has been getting very high ratings and positive reviews from the DSP community since the publication of the first edition.  The 3rd edition seems to contain more than enough new material to justify replacing your old copy.

Also of possible interest to you, a new DSP book by C. Britton Rorabaugh titled "

Code Snippets Section Now LIVE

Stephane Boucher November 2, 20101 comment

The new code sharing section is now live and can be accessed HERE.  

Please take a few minutes to rate and/or comment the snippets that you have the expertise to judge.

If you think of some code snippets that you would like to share with the DSP community, please apply to become a contributor HERE.

If you are not aware of the reward program for contributors, your can learn about it HERE.

As always, your comments and suggestions are...

New Code Sharing Section & Reward Program for Contributors!

Stephane Boucher October 15, 201012 comments

UPDATE (11/02/2010): The code section is now live.

UPDATE 2 (01/31/2011): The reward program has changed.  A flat fee of $20 per code snippet submitted will now be paid.  


I am very happy to finally announce the imminent launch of the new code sharing section.  My vision for this new section is a rich library of high quality code snippets for the DSP community, from processor specific functions to Matlab or Scilab routines, from the simplest filter...

50,000th Member Announced!

Stephane Boucher January 11, 2010

In my last post, I wrote that DSPRelated.com was about to reach the 50,000 members mark.  Well, I am very happy to announce that it happened during the holidays, and the lucky person is Charlie Tsai from Taiwan.  Charlie is an assistant professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at the National Central University in Taiwan where he teaches the "Biomedical Signal Processing" class.  He is also the advisor of the

Almost 50,000 Members!

Stephane Boucher November 26, 20091 comment

I am very happy to announce that DSPRelated.com will reach the 50,000 registered members mark before the end of 2009. To celebrate this milestone, I will buy a BMW 5 to the 50,000th person to register (please make sure to confirm you email address to activate your registration).  Please read the fine prints after the picture.

I am just having fun here and it's not even April's fool day.  The 50,000th member won't get a BMW (I wish I could offer it!),...

DSPRelated faster than ever!

Stephane Boucher March 2, 20094 comments

if you are visiting DSPRelated.com on a regular basis, you should observe that the site loads significantly faster in your browser than it used to, especially if you are in Europe or in Asia.  The main reason for this is that I am now using Amazon's CloudFront service for the delivery of most static content on DSPRelated.com (images, javascripts, css).   The cloudFront service automatically detects the location of a visitor and will deliver the static content from the server...

New Papers / Theses Section

Stephane Boucher March 21, 20081 comment

The new 'Papers & Theses' section is now online: http://www.dsprelated.com/documents.phpThe idea is to list and organize in one place as many DSP related dissertations (PhD & Masters) and papers/articles as possible.If you are the author of a thesis or paper and would like to have it listed on DSPRelated.com, please follow these steps:- Make sure that you are allowed to share the document online (copyright).- If you don't already have one, make a 'pdf' copy of your document. ...

New Blog Section!

Stephane Boucher September 19, 20072 comments

By now, chances are you have noticed the new blogs section (you are actually in it right now!).

Following an email I sent to the members of the site, a few weeks ago, asking for dsp engineers willing to blog here, I received around 50 propositions. I have selected an initial set of 10 bloggers (that I will soon introduce into a seperate post) and I am currently in the process of creating their accounts. Markus and Parth have already...

New Discussion Group: DSP & FPGA

Stephane Boucher September 11, 20078 comments

I have just created a new discussion group for engineers implementing DSP functions on FPGAs. The creation of this group has been on my todo list for a long time. If you want to join the group, send a blank email to: fpgadsp-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

As usual, it should take a few weeks before there are enough members for interesting discussions to get started.

Re: Forums Update, Tips and Tricks - Please Read!

Reply posted 4 weeks ago (01/19/2025)
Can you try now?  I have approved your membership so it should work better now.
As you may know, the DSP Online Conference is an annual event that brings together experts, practitioners, and learners in the field of digital signal processing....
Hmm, I suspect this was a temporary issue that occurred while I was making some modifications as it looks like the 'Create new blog post' is running fine.Can you...
Hello Rick!Thanks for reporting this.Ohh, let me fix this promptly.  The last thing we want is for you to lose the ability to (compose) new blogs!I'll let you know...
Some users have complained of issues with login in.  If you run into a similar problem, I would appreciate if you could please let me know.  Thanks.
Over the last few weeks, we've been busy getting ready for a major back-end software and hardware upgrade for the Related sites and the big move finally took...
If you haven't registered for the 2023 DSP Online Conference yet, doing so in the next couple of days could save you 50% on the already very low registration fee.Make...

Re: #OFDM point to point specification

Reply posted 2 years ago (05/10/2023)

Recent SPAM posts in the Forums

New thread started 2 years ago
Hello, just a quick note to let you know that we are fully aware of the spam posts that made it into this forum lately, despite our spam filtering system.  The...

Re: Whitening of a spatially correlated MIMO signal

Reply posted 2 years ago (10/13/2022)
Check-out how to inline equations:https://www.dsprelated.com/thread/1114/forums-upda...Once you've fixed your post, I'll be able to approve it.Thanks.

Re: Blog editor issues

Reply posted 2 years ago (10/02/2022)
I hear you.  The blog editor is far from perfect.  But you seem to be encountering many more problems than I would expect.  Let's get in touch directly by email...

Re: Article "Complex Signals" by Noel Boutin

Reply posted 3 years ago (03/29/2022)
Fun fact!:  Noel Boutin was one of my teachers, back in the days, at Sherbrooke University in Quebec.  Noel was voted the most appreciated teacher of the EE program...

Re: Determine Classical Phase Noise from EVM

Reply posted 3 years ago (03/02/2022)
Hey fred,  could you please email me a copy of the paper as well?  I need to figure out why you are unable to attach it to your message.Thanks!

Re: Free book: Software-Defined Radio for Engineers

Reply posted 3 years ago (12/09/2021)
One of the authors, Travis Collins, gave a great talk on this topic at the latest DSP Online Conference:https://www.dsponlineconference.com/session/Softwa...There's...
The 2021 DSP Online Conference is coming together very nicely with already 10 sessions confirmed, including 2 workshops.   In the next few days, we are expecting...
Hello! If you receive and read the occasional DSPRelated newsletter, you probably already know that the 2021 DSP Online Conference is a go and we will very soon...
Hi Jeff!Thanks for proposing to present about real-time ASR.  I think this could be a very good topic for the upcoming 2021 DSP Online Conference in September...
Hello all,would anyone in the DSPRelated community be interested and inspired to give a talk, possibly titled 'Essential DSP Knowledge for Embedded Systems Engineers' at...

Re: SPI Signal

Reply posted 4 years ago (10/13/2020)
@jbrower from Signalogic is a frequent contributor to this forum.  Maybe he'll have an idea...
Have you had a look at the DSP Online Conference line-up lately?  Two new talks have been added in the last few days and we are expecting to add a few more within...

Re: DSPOnlineConference.com - need help testing it.

Reply posted 5 years ago (07/15/2020)
Indeed!  I'll fix this asap.  Thanks for your help and for registering!

Re: DSPOnlineConference.com - need help testing it.

Reply posted 5 years ago (07/15/2020)
Thanks a lot for your support Julian.

Re: DSPOnlineConference.com - need help testing it.

Reply posted 5 years ago (07/15/2020)
Ok great, thanks for your support Eduardo!

Re: DSPOnlineConference.com - need help testing it.

Reply posted 5 years ago (07/14/2020)
Good catch Neil!  Thanks a lot for reporting this.
Hello Friends,good news: the very first DSP Online Conference is materializing.  I have just published a beta version of the website and could use your help...
The meeting is now over.  Thanks to all of you who attended, this was fun and useful.
Good morning!The idea of a DSP Online Conference is gaining momentum and I am excited.Please join me at 11AM EDT this morning (07/02) for a Zoom brainstorming session...

Re: A DSP Online Conference?

Reply posted 5 years ago (06/30/2020)
Robert, let me ask; would you possibly be interested in giving a talk at such an event?  Again, the conference would be online so no travel needed.At the moment,...

Re: A DSP Online Conference?

Reply posted 5 years ago (06/30/2020)
Would be a great talk, thanks for proposing it.  I'll be in touch if the conference materializes.  Thanks again Tim!

Re: A DSP Online Conference?

Reply posted 5 years ago (06/30/2020)
And would you attend a virtual DSP conference in September?

Re: A DSP Online Conference?

Reply posted 5 years ago (06/30/2020)
Hi @DaniloDara,thanks for the comment, makes sense.  One advantage of asking for talk proposals early is to shape the conference to match the current inspiration...

A DSP Online Conference?

New thread started 5 years ago
Hello!The Embedded Online Conference went (and is still going) very well - lots of sessions (40+), registrations (6,000+) and positive feedback.Next up, we...

A new quiz question by Rick Lyons

New thread started 5 years ago
Always a joyful moment when I receive an email from Rick with a new quiz question to publish:https://www.dsprelated.com/showquiz/11If you'd like to submit a quiz...

Re: Block Floating Point in FFT.

Reply posted 5 years ago (05/11/2020)
It is two dollar signs for equations that will have their own line (as opposed to 'in-line'). So: $$ \sqrt{2} $$ Would result in:$$ \sqrt{2} $$May I suggest...

Re: Block Floating Point in FFT.

Reply posted 5 years ago (05/11/2020)
Hi Robert, must be very frustrating for you - really sorry. Here's the html code of your post: <p>You actually want <strong>two</strong> bits...
Hi Robert,what I would suggest is to look at the 'source' (html) of your post and remove from the equation anything that has been added by the editor.  I don't...
Another try (inline): \( \arg \{x[n]\} - \arg \{x[n-1]\} = \arg \left\{ \frac{x[n]}{x[n-1]} \right\} = \arg \{ x[n] x[n-1]^* \} \)

New quiz question by Rick Lyons

New thread started 5 years ago
Check out this new quiz question, submitted by none other than @Rick Lyons:https://www.dsprelated.com/showquiz/10So far, 0/5!

OT: Laughing in the Face of Adversity

New thread started 5 years ago
Humor helps us take back control and to connect - two things we have lost in our fight against the pandemic. Feel free to share your best finds. they're playing...

Covid-19 Stories

New thread started 5 years ago
How about we share with each others the impact that the current pandemic is having on our lives & work?  I will start. First, I am located in Canada, where...

Final Push and Could use your Help

New thread started 5 years ago
Hello,by now, I suspect that most of you are already signed-up for the upcoming Embedded Online Conference that I am currently organizing with Jacob Beningo (@beningjw).I...

Re: Expect Downtime

Reply posted 5 years ago (01/23/2020)
Just sent you a private message.
Together with my friend Jacob Beningo, we have been working hard lately on putting together a platform to hold online conferences:https://www.embeddedonlineconference.comBefore...

Back online - Migration done

New thread started 5 years ago
It looks like the migration went well.  I found a couple of errors but solved them quickly.  I will continue to do some testing to make sure that everything is...

Expect Downtime

New thread started 5 years ago
Edit #1 01/19 10:12am: well, false start with the new host.  Their migration team was supposed to help me through the process this morning but I am not hearing...

Re: Extract pitch of irregular signal ?

Reply posted 5 years ago (11/02/2019)
FYI, when sharing code, you can take advantage of the highlighter by selecting your code and then click on the 'formatting' button and select 'Code': % Script pitch_2.m,...

Re: New IEEE Signal Processing Society Journal

Reply posted 5 years ago (10/31/2019)
Indeed Rick, DSPRelated's core audience is made of practicing engineers.  Which is why I am saying that I wouldn't mind more content aimed at practicing engineers...

Re: New IEEE Signal Processing Society Journal

Reply posted 5 years ago (10/31/2019)
Thanks Y(J)S for your answer.  So recognition by the academic community is the challenge.  But what a difference it would make, in terms of attracting relevant...

Re: New IEEE Signal Processing Society Journal

Reply posted 5 years ago (10/31/2019)
Hi Neil, thanks for your thoughtful reply.I agree with you that DSPRelated should not aim at becoming more academic.  I wouldn't mind more 'middle of the road'...

Re: New IEEE Signal Processing Society Journal

Reply posted 5 years ago (10/31/2019)
@Y(J)S @Rick Lyons @Slatibartfast @neirober @ChuckMcMWhat are, in your opinion, the changes that should be made to DSPRelated for authors who publish exclusively...
Big news in the DSP world; a couple of researchers from Iowa State University have come up with an algorithm to compute the inverse chirp z-transform (ICZT) in...

Re: Machine learning and detection in noise

Reply posted 6 years ago (08/14/2019)
Another spammer - Gabrial copied the thread from here and then edited his post with a few spammy links (that I have now removed).  Gabrial has been banned.
I think that re-loading the page is always a good idea after submitting a reply, to make sure Mathjax runs on the new code.In your case, you have 'and before the...
I was able to make the mathjax code work by editing the html (<>). Basically, you had: <p>$$ </p> <p>\dot x = A x + B (k \hat x) </p> <p>$$ </p> After...
Let me try. $$ \dot x = A x + B (k \hat x)$$
Hi, in this thread, @rbj mentioned that the MathJax implementation in this forum is erratic and I believe him. I had issued in the past and it is always frustrating. ...

Re: Adaptive Filter Theory: prequisites to learning

Reply posted 6 years ago (07/30/2019)
Hi Robert,I admit that the Mathjax implementation is not perfect and it is mostly due to the wysiwyg editor that does its own thing once in a while and mess things...

Re: Adaptive Filter Theory: prequisites to learning

Reply posted 6 years ago (07/16/2019)
Yes, LaTex markup are supported, see https://www.dsprelated.com/thread/1114/forums-update-tips-and-tricks-please-read $$ \left(\frac{\sqrt x}{y^3}\right) $$ Inline...

Re: Possible Bug - Need your Help

Reply posted 6 years ago (06/04/2019)
All good!  Problem fixed a little earlier today, thanks to the input of a couple of users.  Thanks for your help.

Re: Possible Bug - Need your Help

Reply posted 6 years ago (06/04/2019)
Ok @ZaellixA and @achesir, the 'logged in' part gave me the insight to find the bug I think - thank you!!  Can you try it now?  I think it should work.

Possible Bug - Need your Help

New thread started 6 years ago
UPDATE - Issue FIXED, thank you for all the help!Hi,a member is reporting a bug that I can't reproduce and I could use your help to figure out if the problem is...

Re: Is this time-domain aliasing?

Reply posted 6 years ago (05/28/2019)
Hello precesseur, it looks like you have posted two very similar replies by mistake.  Do you mind deleting one of them?  Thanks!

Re: Low cost audio DSP Exploration

Reply posted 6 years ago (05/24/2019)
You did the right thing for sure and I agree that it would have been a good idea to preempt spam complaints in the original post with a little note like “this...

Re: Digital Signal Processing Jobs Recruiting Soaring

Reply posted 6 years ago (05/23/2019)
Sorry Scott but I cannot approve this message - it will be considered as spam by the community and will back-fire spectacularly.  I had a look that the article linked...

Re: Low cost audio DSP Exploration

Reply posted 6 years ago (05/23/2019)
I don't think this is spam.  The best person to tell us would be @rtomkins himself.  Richard, what was the motivation/intention for posting this?    As far as...

Spammers are getting more sophisticated

New thread started 6 years ago
Just a quick post to inform you of a scheme used by spammers lately on the Related sites.Here's the scheme:They create an account on one of the Related sites and...

Live Streaming #3

New thread started 6 years ago
Today's live streaming will be short - one quick draw and then testing of the split screen.

Todo List: Improvements to the Related Sites

New thread started 6 years ago
Here are a few improvements that I want to implement over the course of the next few weeks to the Related sites platform.  Please share your thoughts, ideas and...

Re: Matlab Loop Construction ?

Reply posted 6 years ago (04/15/2019)
You didn't include any code. Please edit your post and add the code - I can then approve your message.

Re: Trying to go live SOON

Reply posted 6 years ago (04/05/2019)
If you watch it, you'll notice that I decided to have fun with that one - not very serious.  This is all an experiment.

Trying to go live SOON

New thread started 6 years ago
EDIT: Blog post about this live stream has been published.I have had all kind of technical issues trying to go live at 1pm EDT. Now I am trying to do 2pm EDT. ...

Re: DSP Dev Kits for learning

Reply posted 6 years ago (04/04/2019)
May I suggest you start a new thread with the Beagle Board question?  'Edits' to an existing post do not get noticed as much... Good luck.

Going LIVE Soon!

New thread started 6 years ago
You may already know that I will be going live at 1pm EDT today (03/29). Chances are you've already lowered your expectations. Let's use this thread for communicating...
This is the place where I hope to read your feedback and interact with you during the day as I do my best to live stream as much content as possible from Embedded...

Re: Major Outage

Reply posted 6 years ago (02/18/2019)
Thanks for the encouragement and support Rick!

Major Outage

New thread started 6 years ago
If you tried to access one of the *Related sites today, you were probably greeted with something like:This site can’t be reachedThe *Related sites have been hosted...


Reply posted 6 years ago (01/29/2019)
I am still investigating how this glitch happened as there are provisions in the code to prevent an empty thread to get posted, so obviously, a bug somewhere... ...


Reply posted 6 years ago (01/29/2019)
Wow, not sure how this happened, I would think that the system would block a new thread from being posted when the subject is empty and/or there is no content. ...

Re: Singularity issue due to Zero-frequency component

Reply posted 6 years ago (10/29/2018)
No worries!  I saw that you made the corrections, thank you.

Re: Singularity issue due to Zero-frequency component

Reply posted 6 years ago (10/29/2018)
Hi, if you want your equation to be displayed inline, use: \( e^{i\pi}+1=0 \) \( e^{i\pi}+1=0 \)

Hot DSP Topics 2018

New thread started 6 years ago
It's been more than 20 years since I submitted my EE master thesis about implementing a "feedforward" active noise cancellation algorithm (nlms) for headphones on...

Learning FPGA

New thread started 6 years ago
A few months ago, this community tackled the first FPGA FAQ titled When (and why) is it a good idea to use an FPGA in your embedded system design?.  Your contributions...

Re: Looking for Katja Vetter

Reply posted 7 years ago (05/16/2018)
Hey Rick.  You can find her email address on the following page: https://github.com/magnetophon/VoiceOfFaust/blob/m...

Re: Forums Update, Tips and Tricks - Please Read!

Reply posted 7 years ago (04/18/2018)
Hi Mark,there is a search box in about the middle of the right column when you are browsing the forum. It isn't perfect but will do a keyword based search of the...
So far, we've been very good at staying on-topic in the *Related sites forums.  Today, let me break the trend and start a completely off-topic (#OT) thread that...

Re: LabVIEW for measurement-related signal processing

Reply posted 7 years ago (03/28/2018)
Hey Sam, nice blog!  Would you be interested in possibly having this blog hosted on the DSPRelated platform?  Contact me privately if you think this sounds like...

Currently at Embedded World

New thread started 7 years ago
I am currently at Embedded World in Germany (tomorrow is the last day) and with more than 1000 vendors, most relevant players in the industry are here this week.I...

Re: Impulse behavior of FIR LP filter

Reply posted 7 years ago (01/11/2018)
Hello Fred, as simple as 'drag and dropping' the image in the editor.  Alternatively, if you click on the image icon at the top of the editor,you should be showed...

Greatest Conferences?

New thread started 7 years ago
I have been juggling with the idea to organize a DSP+Embedded+FPGA conference for a while now.  But I won't do it until I feel I can organize an event where everyone...

What is Windowing and when/why do we need it?

New thread started 7 years ago
This is the first question to make it into the new #FAQ section. The hope is that your collective insights will make this page a great resource for the EE community to...

Re: New DSP FAQ Section - please suggest topics

Reply posted 7 years ago (10/27/2017)
Hey Ced,I like your idea and agree with you that most FAQs are already in the archives. For instance, if I search the comp.dsp archives for 'understanding convolution',...

Re: New DSP FAQ Section - please suggest topics

Reply posted 7 years ago (10/26/2017)
Thanks a lot Jason for breaking the ice.I made three posts out of your three suggestions so that people can Thumbs-up the topics individually.  Thanks again.

New DSP FAQ Section - please suggest topics

New thread started 7 years ago
Hello! This forum has proven to be full of very knowledgeable DSP people and I would like to abuse your collective brain by asking your help in coming up with...

Re: Forums Update, Tips and Tricks - Please Read!

Reply posted 7 years ago (10/12/2017)
Hi Simon, I agree that a preview button could be helpful and thank you for the suggestion but in the meantime, the ability to edit your own posts (once posted)...
No kidding?  Indeed, I just found Dr. Sarwate in the users' database. I had already contacted him to ask if he would join, so he will soon be aware of this thread...
Let me see if maybe Professor Sarwate would consider joining DSPRelated, that would be great.

Re: Choice between Scilab and Python + numpy

Reply posted 7 years ago (09/11/2017)
Hi John,If you decide to go the Python route, this thread could be useful to you.Cheers,Stephane


Reply posted 7 years ago (09/07/2017)
Ok - I increased the session timeout value to 2 hours, it was at 24 minutes and it looks like this was most likely the reason that you had to login again after writing...


Reply posted 7 years ago (09/07/2017)
Currently investigating the issue, very sorry for the trouble.  Same thing happened to @Tim Wescott a few days ago.  In the meantime, please consider composing...
Anything I could do to help?  Maybe I could post on Linkedin and mention that you are looking for a job in the Atlanta area?

Re: I need help

Reply posted 8 years ago (05/17/2017)
Hi! Please suggest a new title for this thread and I will edit it.  And next time please use a title that is relevant to the discussion and a little less generic,...

Re: Back to back CIC filters

Reply posted 8 years ago (04/21/2017)
Hi Chris! For some reasons, you had some html code (spans) around one of your ')'.  I removed the tags by editing the code of your post and now it looks like the...

Re: Back to back CIC filters

Reply posted 8 years ago (04/21/2017)
Hi Krishna,it looks like your images didn't make it. Can you try to edit your post and upload them again?Stephane

Embedded World Videos Now Online

New thread started 8 years ago
Maybe you've seen my latest blog post?  Producing these videos has been very fun and I plan on doing many more in the future.  If you only have a couple of minutes,...

Re: The MathJax CDN is shutting down on April 30, 2017!

Reply posted 8 years ago (03/31/2017)
Yes, thanks for letting us know. Currently using the Mathjax CDN on the related sites so will have to update.
I totally understand the reason of your confusion.  For the blogs, one '$' is used for 'inline' equations, but it has caused trouble because when someone use twice...
Hi Rick!  For your reference: $$ y_{RMS}(n) = \sqrt{ \sum_{n-N+1}^n [x(n)^2] - x(n-N)^2 }  $$ $$ y_{RMS}(n) = \sqrt{\frac{1}{N} \sum_{n-N+1}^n x(n)^2 } ...

Re: TMS320C6000: read/write Flash Memory from Host PCI

Reply posted 8 years ago (02/09/2017)
Sorry Arash that it took so long to approve your membership - this isn't typical, there was a glitch in the system.  
@Rick Lyons just posted a new article into his blog:Frequency Translation by Way of Lowpass FIR FilteringUse the comments at the bottom of the article or this thread...

Re: Matlab Home-use version

Reply posted 8 years ago (11/10/2016)
This video looks like a great free resource for learning Matlab:

Re: Removing DC and low frequency noise from a spectrum

Reply posted 8 years ago (10/24/2016)
Check this out:https://www.dsprelated.com/thread/1114/forums-upda...it shows how to add a code snippet to your posts.Let me know if you have any question.73 ;)
Steven,I will let the people at Kingstar know about the problem.  Thanks for reporting this.Stephane
@dimaios,did you fill the information in the right column on the Kingstar site?  They want you to give your info before they give you access to the paper.  It...

Re: Removing DC and low frequency noise from a spectrum

Reply posted 8 years ago (10/23/2016)
I took the liberty to edit your post to highlight your code snippet, I hope you don't mind.Is the 73 number at the end of your post a typo?

Re: A New Reverse IIR Filtering Algorithm

Reply posted 8 years ago (10/22/2016)
Hello Martin!Any interest in writing a blog post about this?  

Re: Zero-Padding as scalloping loss attenuator

Reply posted 8 years ago (10/22/2016)
@jmarcelold,please make sure to:1- click on the 'thumbsup' button associated to the post(s) that you find the most helpful2- click on the beer button to reward the...

Re: Removing DC and low frequency noise from a spectrum

Reply posted 8 years ago (10/18/2016)
Dear Tom, please go ahead and:1- click on the 'thumbsup' button associated to the post(s) that you find helpful2- click on the beer button to reward the users who...
Dear planb_buzz, please go ahead and:1- click on the 'thumbsup' button associated to the post(s) that you find helpful2- click on the beer button to reward the...

Forums Update, Tips and Tricks - Please Read!

New thread started 8 years ago
It's been a few months since the launch of the new forums.  Here are a few thoughts. The thumbsup and beer buttons    If there is one thing that could have a...
Please join me in welcoming Vincent in the Blogging team.Vincent will be writing a series of articles about #Wavelets, have a look at his first one: Wavelets I...

Re: Calculate Directivity index of nonlinear line array

Reply posted 8 years ago (09/02/2016)
I chose a different delimiter for the forums as it is less prone to problems when the $ sign is used in the text for money.  Changing it for the blogs is on my...

Re: Calculate Directivity index of nonlinear line array

Reply posted 8 years ago (09/02/2016)
Hi Mike,to inline Mathjax, you can use the \( ... \) delimiters.  I've made the correction in your post.I need to document this better.  Thanks for participating...

Re: Application of computer with invertible arithmetic?

Reply posted 9 years ago (07/25/2016)
Let me ping @rbj for you in case he would like to contribute to the discussion. (all you have to do, assuming you know the username of the person, is to add an '@'...

Re: Prewarping Fc, Q or both

Reply posted 9 years ago (07/19/2016)
Is there a way prevent this forum software from shrinking the image?Unfortunately no, for the moment. I'll add the option to upload large images on my list of improvements...

Re: Implementing generic first order transfer function

Reply posted 9 years ago (07/13/2016)
Hey chess,your question is weirdly formatted (I mean in terms of presentation).  It looks like it is in a table.  Could it be a copy/paste from another source?...

Re: A digital filter question

Reply posted 9 years ago (07/04/2016)
Hi Tim, if you want to inline equations, simply surround them with \( ... \) instead of $$ ... $$ Your text is readable the way it is right now, but I though...

Please suggest vendors for the directory

New thread started 9 years ago
Hi,I need your help to find the name of companies who you think could be interested in being listed in the Vendors Directory.  Can you think of a company or two...

Re: 90 Degrees Shift of Digital Signal

Reply posted 9 years ago (04/28/2016)
Hi @TheCyrus, I don't have an answer to your question but I have no doubt a DSP guru will have some tips for you really soon. I just wanted to point out that...

Data Types for Control & DSP

New thread started 9 years ago
@Tim Wescott just published a second article in less than 24 hours (thank you Tim!).  Data Types for Control & DSPAgain, please don't hesitate to comment or...

PID without a PhD

New thread started 9 years ago
@Tim Wescott just ported to his blog his famous 'PID without a PhD' article.If you are on Reddit and believe his article is worthy of an upvote, please feel free...

Envelope Detection

New thread started 9 years ago
@Rick Lyons has just posted a new article in his blog: Digital Envelope Detection: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly If you have any comment or question about the...

Learning DSP with Python

New thread started 9 years ago
Anyone here using #Python for their DSP work? I know @jms_nh (Aventures in Signal Processing with Python), @tpuolivali,  @cfelton (many posts) and @AllenDowney...

Re: New Email Notifications System

Reply posted 9 years ago (03/30/2016)
Just look in the right column under 'Subscribe', it should tell you your current status.  Example:

Re: New Email Notifications System

Reply posted 9 years ago (03/30/2016)
No worries at all Jayaraman!  And thank you for the update.

New Email Notifications System

New thread started 9 years ago
If I implemented the new email notification system well, this new thread should trigger an email notification to all members who have been approved to participate...

Re: Welcome to the New Forum Interface!

Reply posted 9 years ago (03/22/2016)
Inline, try \( F \left ( x \right ) = \int_{bob}^{mary} q \left ( x \right ) dx \) \( F \left ( x \right ) = \int_{bob}^{mary} q \left ( x \right ) dx \)

Re: Welcome to the New Forum Interface!

Reply posted 9 years ago (03/22/2016)
You can test your code here:https://cdn.mathjax.org/mathjax/latest/test/sample...
Let me ping a few members in case they can help you.@Tim Wescott, @mnentwig, @CarpetOfStars, @spetcavich 
Let me ping @Tim Wescott and @Slartibartfast in case they can help.

Re: Goertzel filter with decay?

Reply posted 9 years ago (02/25/2016)
Let me ping a couple of gurus in case they can/want to help: @Tim Wescott, @Rick Lyons, @Slartibartfast

Re: Overlap-Save Size for M-1 Points

Reply posted 9 years ago (02/22/2016)
Hi groger, let me ping a few users who might potentially be able to help you:@Tim Wescott, @Rick Lyons, @mamcdonal, @AllenDowney, @Cedron

Re: Welcome to the New Forum Interface!

Reply posted 9 years ago (02/22/2016)
I think I have fixed the header issue for uploaded files (pdf file not being opened in browser).

Re: Welcome to the New Forum Interface!

Reply posted 9 years ago (02/22/2016)
Yes, Redactor is the editor I chose.  I will investigate and try to make the copy+paste working for images.  Thanks again for your inputs!

Re: Welcome to the New Forum Interface!

Reply posted 9 years ago (02/20/2016)
Thanks a lot for taking the time to do some testing and for your inputs. one additional idea: if the code is longer than 50% of the browser-window-height make the...

Welcome to the New Forum Interface!

New thread started 9 years ago
After months of hard word, I am very excited to introduce to you the new forum interface.  It will be the foundation of the related sites for the next several...

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