Variable IIR-Filter Coefficient calculation in frequency domain
Started by 11 months ago●6 replies●latest reply 8 months ago●408 viewsHello,Currently im evaluating the usefulness of frequency domain filtering in FPGA for one of our projects. Im stuck with a problem that my limited knowledge of...
Error in frequency estimation for low frequencies
Started by 9 months ago●28 replies●latest reply 8 months ago●246 viewsHello everyoneWe want to use a chirp z-transform to determine the frequency of a signal more accurately. It works quite well, but we see that the accuracy is much...
Maximally Decimated Polyphase Channelizer Help
Started by 8 months ago●3 replies●latest reply 8 months ago●265 views#python #Polyphase #ChannelizerI'm hoping someone can help me with this maximally decimated polyphase channelizer I've coded up. This is based on the fitler_ten_a...
From the Wikipedia article:"Suppose an event has two possible explanations. The explanation that requires the fewest assumptions is usually correct....However, Occam's...
Beats in signals of three or more sinusoids. Possible discovery.
Started by 9 months ago●7 replies●latest reply 8 months ago●291 views#Python Hello, I have been on a journey trying to discover a way to outline ‘beats’ in signals comprised of three or more sinewaves. This project started since...
Calibration of MEMS Microphone with Reference Microphone in Acoustic Box: Seeking Guidance
Started by 9 months ago●4 replies●latest reply 9 months ago●155 viewsHello everyone, I am currently involved in a project where I'm using two distinct types of microphones connected to an Audio Precision system, comprising an APx525...
Matlab waveform generation with added AWGN for Deep learning classification.
Started by 9 months ago●2 replies●latest reply 9 months ago●141 viewsHello,I am generating WLAN 802.11n/ac waveforms with 4 different modulation schemes (BPSK, QPSK, 16-QAM, 256-QAM) and feed the I/Q data into my Deep learning model...
Hello,As far as I understand the purpuse of a Farrow filter is to interpolate samples at a fractional ratio.For example: we have an ADC sampling at 41 MS/S and we...
Why is it said to be alias free in such a multirate system?
Started by 9 months ago●3 replies●latest reply 9 months ago●178 viewsPage 246 in multirate systems and filter banks by P. P. Vaidyanathanm. sampling in the first stage should have brought the aliases already,...
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