
AKM DSP Development?

Started by Ekene 1 year ago9 replieslatest reply 1 year ago374 views
Asahi Kasei Micro makes dsp ICs such as the AK7755EN. On the website https://www.akm.com/eu/en/products/audio-voice-dsp/lineup-audio-voice-processor/ak7755en/ there...

2-FSK eye diagram - optimal sampling sharp transitions

Started by six20star 1 year ago4 replieslatest reply 1 year ago241 views
Hi folks,I have ta analyse a signal transmitted in a burst mode in UHF and I have no apriori about it.The signal seams to be transmitted using a basic 2-FSK modulation.I...

How to avoid harmonic distortions in a DAC?

Started by weetabixharry 1 year ago4 replieslatest reply 1 year ago257 views
I have a DAC which is assumed to be nonlinear, such that it produces unwanted harmonic distortions at integer multiples of the input frequencies. Any other nonlinear...

C code simulation of DSP fixed-point operations with overflow and saturation

Started by jbrower 1 year ago9 replieslatest reply 1 year ago290 views
All-Does anyone have a link to old Texas Inst C code that simulated what their fixed-point DSPs did with overflow and saturation with arithmetic operations (add,...

Simulating multipath fading channel in Python

Started by roblkc3 1 year ago2 replieslatest reply 1 year ago475 views
Hello!I'm trying to figure out how to simulate a multipath fading channel (I'd like to have both a Rayleigh and a Rician channel, no Doppler to simplify things)...

Design low pass filter and decimation stages, how to?

Started by duemilaventivalvole 1 year ago1 replylatest reply 1 year ago267 views
Hi to all!I usually see 24-bit digitizers giving output sample rate at 50, 100, 200 samples per second, selectable by user.Taking a look to code I can see input...

Quantizing the feedback coefficient in the Goertzel algorithm

Started by gretzteam 1 year ago2 replieslatest reply 1 year ago197 views
The value of the feedback coefficient in the Goertzel algorithm it given by:c = 2*cos( 2*pi*k/N); where k is the bin number and N is the number of points.Here...

Effect of decimation, tuning (mixing) on phase noise

Started by xxn5ac 1 year ago9 replieslatest reply 1 year ago266 views
If I build an analog receiver using a DDS where the DDS is my local oscillator (LO), based on a reference oscillator with phase noise ℒ(n), as I decrease the...

Adding 45 degrees phase shift to a FIR bandpass

Started by wolf22 8 years ago15 replieslatest reply 1 year ago2271 views
Dear sirs, I have a question regarding the calculation of filter taps for a FIR bandpass filter with additional phase shift of approx. 45 degrees. Background: shortwave...

Correlated phase noise

Started by krishk24 1 year ago4 replieslatest reply 1 year ago238 views
I am trying to find a mathematical model to understand the correlated phase noise. In the link https://www.markimicrowave.com/blog/does-a-mixer-add-phase-noise/ ...

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